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Untold DepthsView game page

Can you survive the depths and uncover the secrets of the ocean?
Submitted by Chimpanzeee — 23 minutes, 33 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Use of theme#43.7833.783
Use of prerequisite#53.3043.304

Ranked from 23 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Looks awesome!!
(I'm very scared of deep water)


Absolutely stunning game! I loved everything about it!


very impressed, especially for only 2 days!


Very impressive for a two day jam. Like an underwater horror game..!! Nothing is much more frightening than tilting the cam up and realizing you're right under the tail of one of those monstrous anglerfish... xD   (although I didn't let the monster catch up with me.... so I could change my mind on that one....)

Really nice visuals, great atmosphere. Loved your take on 'HP is power' - health of the player literally being linked to the submarine's power supply, making you balance the need to move your sub as far as possible with the energy you'll need to retrieve the gears later. Really amazing work!

Some constructive feedback for you, which I hope will help if you choose to expand this into a larger game! (Note, this isn't criticism in any way - the game is awesome, especially for such a short time, I just wanted to offer some pretty minor thoughts. Feel free to use or ignore any of them!!): 

  • I loved the idea of the sub's power being linked to the power you have outside while swimming, but I think it could be made clearer to the player that this is happening, since I had to work it out, knowing the theme of the jam.
  • At first I found gears a little difficult to find in the bleakness of the water, so you could add some sort of subtle indicator to them, like a very slight glow or something. (Honestly, this was only an issue for my first playthrough, after which I saw the gears float down after I got out of the sub, and quickly realized there are actually quite a generous amount on the ground for players that swim in different directions. So maybe this isn't necessary, but I thought I'd mention the idea!)
  • In the panic of returning to the sub, I sometimes found the entrance difficult to get into, which resulted in my death at least once. The entrance could be more obvious, or you could be more lenient with where the player needs to be to enter the sub (e.g. if they're somewhere near the back, or even if they've just reached any point of the sub, they can enter). Sometimes it can be difficult locating the sub in the first place, so it's a shame to find it, swim through monsters, get to the sub with the last of your power, then die because you can't find the entrance! xD   (but maybe that's part of the thrill, I don't know!)
  • I found getting the gears into the box in the sub difficult, and this took me several attempts for each gear. Maybe just allow a click near the box automatically place the gear inside, rather than relying on the physics system.
  • Some kind of visual feedback that I successfully increased the sub's power would be cool, too. Like a blue flash lighting up the whole inside the sub or something, and/or the dial lighting up so it can be seen from the back of the sub.

Really appreciate the feedback! I love your ideas and we plan on playing around with a bunch of different things to see what feels best and works best. You're the second person to mention it can be a little troubling to re-enter the pod so I think that is something we will look into changing.

We were planning on adding something to indicate the power inside the submarine once power is added although we ran out of time haha. Although that is something we plan on changing around!

We really appreciate the feedback and hope you stay posted on the games updates!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Nice! i can't even understand how you can make something like this in a short time. The atmosphere is really nice. As a side note i think little bits of challenges would be nicer like repairing the submarine without being seen or stopping the submarine when something that detects sounds get close, things like that. Game is really nice at first and i feel bad for writing this but it gets a bit boring when you get used to finding the gears. Nice game overall though keep it up :) 


Thanks! We plan on expanding upon this and adding some multiplayer as well as more challenging gameplay loop! 


Nice! i can't even understand how you can make something like this in a short time.


Cool Game!


Really Cool !


Nice game


This was great. I'm curious as to how y'all got all that done over the timespan of the game jam, because wow that was really well done. 

Only thing I found a bit confusing was how I'm supposed to tell how much power is left when I'm inside the submarine, but other than that, this was great


I had a blast with this one, it was amazing! This was the first game I've played from this jam and I'm honestly not sure if anything's going to top this! Also, noticed this is a fairly similar game loop to my last game jam game, ISOLATION, so I'm kinda curious if it's inspiration or coincidence ngl.


  • Amazing visuals
  • Nice game page
  • Fun gameplay
  • Makes me feel on edge


  • At first, it's a little hard to know where to enter the submarine, but I did manage to figure it out (maybe remove the front light, it's a little misleading)
  • Not bad, really, but I was able to pretty easily outrun the monster by just stockpiling gears, maybe make the monster a tad faster, or have a higher difficulty mode?
  • I kinda wish I got some story at the end, or at least got to explore the lab a little bit (maybe before the monster arrives), rather than just "you reached the lab" followed by a green sprite jumping at me (couldn't tell what it is)
    • Though with the time constraints I understand why you weren't able to do this

Overall, this is an amazing game and I'll be shocked if it doesn't even get in the top 10. I would honestly say you could keep updating the game and make it a bit better (especially with something at the end).


I like visuals you can try rate my game


very original game, good.
Can you check my game too? :D


You Bet!


nice game. beautiful visuals


Was not able to submit my game in time or you would have gotten 5 stars across the board! this game was so well done.


Hands down an extremely impressive game for the time constraints. i genuinely had a ton of fun with this one.