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A member registered Sep 16, 2023 · View creator page →

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This was unfortunately my third game lol... the first 2 were... decent, and terrible (but interesting from a technical perspective - at least for me working on it). And then I don't speak of the one before those 2 because it sucked lol (not being hard on myself, like it just wasn't fun, and also I bit off more than I could chew and had a terrible story)

The double jump glitch I was very aware of lol. It was a bug, then kind of became a feature because I couldn't get jump cutting to work, and now it's back to a bug that I tried to mitigate. It was hilarious every time to see happening because I just never expected to see it happen.

Thanks for the feedback

Thanks for the advice. I had meant to do that, I think I just completely forgot lol

This game was great. You did a great job with it. I loved the touch of the music speeding up as players sped up time and stuff.

Yep I'll get to doing that!

I'm glad to hear that it was fun. I encountered said weird glitches a bit too lol, but I couldn't figure out how to replicate them enough to fix them. 

The only one I'm aware of is the player glitching through the floor if they were already falling and time traveled, and that one's not one I'm sure of how to fix yet (it's an issue with forces and stuff, but I don't know if the answer would be to apply an upwards force the second the player time travels or to set the player's velocity such that the player can't glitch through the floor).

Were there any others you encountered besides that one (assuming you encountered it)

Oh cool. Thanks for explaining!

The reason I asked about the cameras was because:
a) it was cool

b) it was a really great way to provide some way to like mix up the game's visuals and make it look physically interesting to watch and play and stuff and was a really great choice

Also I want to specify in case it wasn't clear (because I don't want to take credit for someone else's work) that the art wasn't mine. The art was someone else's, and I have to agree the art is phenomenal.

Also apologies for misreading your comment. In my defense, it was very early in the morning when I read it, but yeah. Sorry

This was a great game. Really good usage of very simple mechanics

(1 edit)

This game reminds me a lot of what I'd kind of hoped for my game to be like except done much better. This is awesome.

Edit: to be clear, I'm saying yours is executed much better than mine was, not that mine is better than yours. Just want to specify this in case my words came across weirdly or anything

I liked the going back in time when the player takes damage. It was really cool

This game was phenomenal. Awesome job. I'm really curious as to how you did the camera movements. Were you changing the camera or just changing its placement?

I liked the game. I did find it a bit difficult to pick out the player character from the background, due to the player character's lack of color contrast with the background.

I love the square effect you have when you're loading levels. It looks awesome.

Really well done levels and mechanics. Awesome job!

Thank you. I'm glad to hear the game I made was fun this time, because my last few have not been lol

Thank you. I'm glad to hear it was fun at least, because my previous few submissions to micro jams were.... not lol

No you  weren't harsh in any way whatsoever. It hurt to read (because unless I'm drastically different from most poeple, most people would feel bad that something they made wasn't great) but I am being genuine when I say thank you for being honest, and I can tell you tried to soften the blow. You did nothing wrong, and no apology was necessary. I promise. Your comment was incredibly helpful, or at least, more helpful (though not quite as funny, but also just as valid) as the other feedback I had which read "M a a a a a a a a a a a a a a t h" (a very valid statement which conveys that they found the math annoying, I just wish they'd added a bit more to it so I could figure out if I could salvage this game). 

Your comment was a) informative in pointing out the problems, while also giving me an idea of what was done well, and b) was clearly well thought out. You did nothing wrong. My first comment wasn't sarcastic or anything like that, and I started to explain where the cycle was because in situations like this, my impulse is to take feedback like that as confusion that requires an explanation, and it usually takes me a minute to understand it's meant not as confusion but as feedback. 

Thanks for the being honest that it wasn't that fun to play and stuff. I was hoping it would be fun, but I'd prefer to be told it's not that fun than to not have any feedback at all.

The cycle, in my head, was supposed to be the game loop of like taking the tests and always doing not great on them, but in hindsight that clearly makes no sense. I think I realized this while working on it, hence all the references to bicycles being some last ditch attempt to make it fit the prerequisite better. 

That's awesome, thank you so much for explaining. I think I understand a bit more than I previously did now, and I probably won't DM you, but if I do, my discord handle is the same as my handle here


Is it okay with you if I ask a few more questions about it? There's some stuff here (specifically like the movement's fluidity, and the way in which the character was animated and kind of leaned in different directions when you moved and stuff, though namely the things I want to ask about are really just "how did you do this or that") that I'd love to hear a bit more about, as those are things I tend to struggle with making when it comes to programming (assuming it was all done programmatically)

I found the font a bit difficult to read, but the movement was really fun. I would love to know how you did like the weird camera effect you had, because that was really cool

That's a really interesting angle to come at it from. I might add some of those ideas into the game (if I can figure out how to make them work lol - still learning to program).

Thank you so much!

I believe I already did, though if I haven't then I will soon

This was great. I'm curious as to how y'all got all that done over the timespan of the game jam, because wow that was really well done. 

Only thing I found a bit confusing was how I'm supposed to tell how much power is left when I'm inside the submarine, but other than that, this was great

Yeah. The amount of raindrops each one has to absorb something is a known issue, and I thought of several possible fixes just now while responding to you.  And the score was something that I threw together at the last minute (though giving a score was planned, I didn't have the time to properly think it through).

I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it and I'd be happy to rate your game if I haven't done so already.

I really liked the concept, and I like how it was executed. I do wish that the notes weren't in the same order every time, and I also wish that death was made more clear, as sometimes I didn't even realize what had happened until I was sent back to the start.

Specifically: having different death sounds for the different ways the player could die would have been great

Loved this game. I really liked how you introduced the core mechanic too. Y'all did great

I liked the game. I really liked the blocky look, and the way in which the player character looks.

I do wish that there was some form of targetting reticle on screen so I could more easily tell where I'm shooting, as not having one was a bit frustrating for me, but that's not really a big problem.  

Yes - I had issues with submitting and didn't realize it until now. Unless once one's page is made, you then have to go to the jam page and hit submit seperately, at which point it turns out the issue was I didn't know that, and assumed that making a page after being prompted to from hitting "submit game" would automatically submit the game to the jam when the page was published lol.

I really liked how movement felt and how you interpreted the prerequisite. It took me a bit to figure out that the cards can cause damage to me, and I liked how healing was one of the options as a result, as that made for some great opportunity costs when making  my decisions on what to take

I really liked the movement in this game and how you interepreted the prerequisite. Awesome job

It's reuploaded now. It should just be the build output folder, and not all of the files

I've reuploaded it. the file size should be  much smaller.

What do you mean get stuck, and what do you mean why does it weigh so much? Asking so that I can fix it.

Thanks for telling me lol. I was really not sure what to put, and everything I read online just said "put a .zip file". Probably didn't read enough.