As someone who's attempted an ice-slipping puzzle game, I bow to the superiority of this one!
Amazing work, keep it up!
Nice entry!
I liked the enemies' tracking behaviour - the way they arc in your direction without running straight at you. Made for some very nice dodging!
Also cool how the more snowflakes you get, the safer you are in terms of time, but enemies also find it easier to hit you.
The game could benefit from a gradual difficulty increase, e.g. more / faster enemies, as I found them easier to dodge as I got more and more used to the controls. I say gradual because the enemies are quite large and, as stated above, there's modulation in difficulty anyway depending on how large your hit surface is -- so maybe like 2 enemies after 200 seconds or something?
Well done~!
Really love it so far!! The visuals are gorgeous. The game is really polished already. I love the feel of the grass as you move through it, the perspective of the game. Absolutely adore the dewdrop-health mechanic (found it by accident when I was just hitting things randomly, which was a real treat!). The game has a nice atmosphere, and you're definitely hitting those Zelda vibes!!
A couple of bits of constructive feedback I wanted to post. Firstly, some of the UI started misbehaving at certain points - e.g. pause screen appeared over inventory screen, which flustered me into accidentally returning to the main menu instead of just unpausing xD . Some of the controls icons don't seem to match up - e.g. tutorial phase says hold Shift for a stronger attack, but I believe this is RMB? A few times the UI said use LMB to do something that was incorrect - e.g. close text boxes, block attacks. Also the pause menu doesn't pause the game itself (which I found out when I was being attacked) :D
Regarding combat, I'm in two minds about this but.. I feel like the stamina bar was making things unnecessarily difficult. I had to attack and then pause in places that felt unnatural. I feel like (because you've already got quite a lot of buttons to think about anyway-dodge, block etc) just allowing you to smash the attack button would feel more satisfying. Presumably the enemies are going to get harder, so it would be nice to have the difficulty be a natural progression of enemies, rather than feeling limited by the stamina bar. (Perhaps just the heavy attack could be linked to stamina?).
At the very least I'd personally not have the dodge linked to the stamina bar. I initially thought the dodge wasn't working, until I realized it was connected to stamina. I think allowing the player to dodge even when tired would be more forgiving when you're facing many opponents. ^^
Sorry for the wall of text there. Overall, I really love it and hope you will continue to expand on the game. I can see this being a winner for sure!
(P.s. I like the worm NPC) :P