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Feedback on my game so far?

A topic by GalliumElk created Aug 20, 2022 Views: 219 Replies: 4
Viewing posts 1 to 5


It really on point with the theme and limitation. 

My guess is that you haven't gotten any feedback yet because you didn't post the controls. It took me a minute of button smashing to realize that A and D changed rotation and I think CTRL shoots. 

Those are some really weird controls.. Maybe use the arrow keys instead?

I found myself having fun trying to stay alive. I'd say the idea has potential.


space fires


ok quick question does it have health the boss i giant bomb thingy and does the flames last a duration if not id add them and if you have time left i would also add a timer and a health bar for the boss


The concept is great! But for me it's kinda confusing to press A to move to the right (this only happens when I'm at the top). But overall; I love it!!!