Greetings everyone in the community and Jam enjoyers! Firstly and most importantly, thank you for taking the time to read this and an even bigger thank you for taking part in this event. To the host ZahranW, to all the other developers, and the amazing 800 something plus community members who left a vote and feedback. This has been my first Jam experience and I am almost at a loss for words. I had no idea that such a vibrant hobby and community exists on the same internet I have been using for my time of 26 years and seeing the timer down to the last bit I just wanted to put something out here before the results, You all did awesome. When I was reading the rules what stood out a little bit was the Q: "Is there a prize for the winners? A: The prize is the friends we've made along the way.", and so I wanted to create this in the hopes of others feeling relatively the same that this was pretty fun. I tried a good handful of games myself not all but most notably Frostfire Elemental Quest, Snowy Siege and The Snowball Spirit (all pretty darn solid) and being able to see my game attract feedback and review was nice given that it's not a work, or daily life thing needed to make it through. I sincerely look forward to the next opportunity to share an event. Good luck and have fun :)