I am planing not to use anygame engine, I am taking this as a challenge. I am only going to use SDL and Box2d, for rendering and physics. Is this a good idea or should I forget about it this time. NOTE : I have 7 years of unity experiance.
I'll do it as well. Although I spent a couple of months developing a small but quite flexible 2D engine with SFML so I'm not really starting from zero on that front.. GL!
I don't know about SFML that much, the only thing i know is that its high level, and SDL is low level, which makes harder, unfortunately I didn't learn SFML as a begginer I started with SDL which is a pain the a*s, but yeah good luck for you too. ☺
trust me when I started using SDL, I realized that I don't know anything about gamedev or how computers work in general. If you tried not using any game engine, you will be confused at first but then you won't be able to use any game engine again. Just give it a shot.