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Lighting and Shadows?

A topic by NULLTERM created Jan 01, 2018 Views: 200 Replies: 1
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Submitted (1 edit)

I'm doing a 3D voxel based game, and have been keeping in mind the 2 & 10 color constraints.  One question I had is, can we use lighting?  I've so far been sticking with unlit geometry cause I'm unsure if shading a blue poly to a darker blue means it's a different color "code".

What I have now...

What I was thinking as far as lighting (and maybe shadows)...



Sorry, you can't use lighting because I didn't specify anything about it in the rules so it would be unfair to all the people who made their game without lighting. You can use shadows but the main color from them counts towards the color max. Good luck on your game :)