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Announcement. Please read. Sticky

A topic by Water Flare created Jul 16, 2018 Views: 253 Replies: 3
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Host (1 edit)

The submission period for games ends today (9 am pacific time). I hope everyone had fun and enjoyed this game jam. 

The one week rating and review period for games will start today. You will be able to rate each others games on 3 criteria: mechanics/gameplay, creativity, overall score. You will be able to see the voting results on July 23rd, 9 am pacific time.  This rating thing is just for fun, so please don't take it to seriously or get upset about what scores your game got. 

The discord server for this jam will close two weeks from now on July 30th, 10 am pacific time. I'm closing it because this is the last Minimalistic Jam I will be hosting.


Why is it the last Minimalistic jam?


This is the last Minimalistic Jam because I hosted these game jams for fun and never planned to make it a long term thing.


Oh. I understand if things get a little hectic at times and you want to move on to different projects,  I was just a little disappointed.