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How's everyone doing?

A topic by Moosadee created Jul 22, 2023 Views: 55 Replies: 1
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I'm stripping down features in my own game because I haven't had a lot of time to work on it this month, but I should have a very basic game ready by the end of July. ^_^;

How are you all doing?

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Doing okay! I haven't even started yet and have.... like 47.5 hours left 馃槷 But I have a (very basic) idea and I'm still hopeful I'll get in on time. It's been a ridiculous month 馃ぃ But I'm so hyped about this theme and I NEED to make something for it sooooooooooo bad!!!!

Also, I just played your entry, actually, and enjoyed it! It took me a play to realize that the run button also allows for way higher jumps, and I ended up with 5,000 points the next run 馃コ That was fun, super cute, and you really nailed the theme! 

- 鉁˙eth