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A jam submission

TerravestraView game page

Pixelated conquest, multiplayer strategy – break free or dominate all!
Submitted by Chaos
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Terravestra's page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Originality - How creative and multiplayer-friendly is the concept?#33.7503.750
Fun - How likely will you play this again with other people?#62.8332.833
Theme - How closely does this game relate to the theme?#123.0833.083
Playability - How intuitive is the multiplayer aspect of the gameplay?#192.3332.333

Ranked from 12 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Hathora AppId

Game Engine Category


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I like the idea but i think itd be more fun if money generated faster 


Neat idea! I think the money generated too slowly to make some of the more expensive items viable, but the core concept was cool!


The gameplay idea is cool, I really like the concept. Could benefit a fine tune in pacing but overall it's very nice.


Great ideas there, I'd love to see the game be improved further :)


I like the idea, I could see it as a mobile game with matchmaking and I would play it :)


so with a dark background like this, i'd make the text pop against it, i couldn't really see the money field at the top cuz black on dark grey, also, i re-read the instructions, but could not get the drills i placed to do anything

other than that, kudos on making a tile based strategy game, that's neat!


when you place the drill and you get close to it, you press E and arrows would appear, then you press one of the arrows to move it. If you want to stop it you press e again near it (a yellow highlight would appear). Thx for the feedback about the text <3