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A member registered Jul 05, 2021 · View creator page →

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that’s a great suggestion!!!  Not sure how to do that but I will noodle on it a bit…. Thanks for playing!

understanding this is a gamejam game, its amazing, very polished and smooth... but i do recommend allowing for remapping of the controls from an accessibility perspective, great job though.  I like the jump feel.... it can be really hard in some places

Thank you very much, that's awful kind of you to say.  Don't hesitate to ask any questions if they come up!

Really cute game!  I like the procedural levels, the music felt appropriate.  It wasn't immediately clear what the objective was, but i did figure it out after a few playthroughs.  Sometimes I had difficulty passing through the weeds into a room, there wasn't much margin collision wise to lead into the spaces, you have to be dead on perfect alignment.  Also, maybe consider shooting up and down as well, it seems you can only shoot side to side....

All in all, great submission, games are looking really good!

Thanks Kenny, I appreciate it... Its an early prototype, still a ton more work to do!!!!


it wouldn't load.... :(

several things here, i LOVE the format of this game, this is conceptually something that can be built on, i loved the tone, the art is perfect for this style, and the mechanics were pretty sound... was this built using Phaser or Excalibur?

very intrested to learn more about the JS behind this...

other than that, kudos on making a tile based strategy game, that's neat!

so with a dark background like this, i'd make the text pop against it, i couldn't really see the money field at the top cuz black on dark grey, also, i re-read the instructions, but could not get the drills i placed to do anything

this was pretty good fun!!!!   well done

this is pretty ambitious game for a gamejam it seems

i was able to pick up the controls and play an instance, good work!

art was nice, the mobile controls are very well done, i like the special weapons, and the idea of the regen and respawn area

i'll give it another try in a bit

this has an escape room feel to it, but i struggled to get into the game i think, i had another client connect and couldn't figure out how to synch them up

nicely scoped game for a game jam, and definitely a potential seed for a game that can be continually iterated on!!! well done

I thought the movement was silky smooth and intuitive, well done

Really neat game concept, I enjoyed this one, good work!

Outside of the font not scaling up properly, super impressive!

Outside of the font not scaling up properly, super impressive!

feels like there's a bit more work still to do

feels like there's a bit more work still to do

i got to 25!!!   For first time, this is fantastic, keep up the great work and keep making games.

this game was a bit hard to pickup and understand

Great concept for gamejam game... i think this can be built on.  I think there were some flaws in the game where nothing was asked for and nothing was available to buy...

I think this is a neat idea that can be built upon.  maybe keep developing this game concept.

I will test 0.11 out on my surface and let you know

Very fun and well built game!

several times my character got stuck looping through the screen, and the controls weren't always responsive.  I personally like the art approach with the laundry, and the concept of the game is fun.... i think its something that could be built on.

oof, i like the art, i like the level 'concept', but the controls made if too tough to really get into.

i liked the wall jump mechanic, but it was soo tough to navigate the level

Thank you very much

I took the time to download and play through the demo.  To be quite honest, for me the time seemed to slip away, as the demo is probably a couple hours of play, but went by really fast.  I never quite felt like I was grinding through an RPG, even though I was.  I was very engaged with the character progression tree, I liked how it was organized and planned out.  The demo doesn't get too deep into the story, but left me very curious where the conflict was heading to.  There are a lot of mechanics in this game that lends itself to letting  me believe the author of this title is a true fan of RPG games, and thought beforehand on different takes to solve common tropes of RPGs.  The level designs are setup in a manner where I desired to explore every nook and cranny of each submap.

This title I will come back to for sure, and look forward to the full story that will scratch that itch that always keeps me looking for the next new exciting title.