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Looking for a 2D artist and sound designer/composer

A topic by hpx7 created Jul 27, 2022 Views: 206 Replies: 3
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Hi, we are a team of programmers and networking engineers looking to make a browser based online-multiplayer game for this jam. We've submitted online multiplayer games in previous gamejams, so we were really excited to find this one on Itch!

We are looking for an 2D artist and a composer to join the team. Please DM me if interested

I'm a 2D artist! I don't use discord but, I can upload my work for you on itch or Gmail. Whatever you prefer. I specialize in horizons, pixel art, and designs but, I can draw anything else decently.  I draw all the artwork in my games and I program everything too! 

I program strictly in Unity, so if you need an extra programmer on the team I can help

When we win,  I would be preferably paid in cash for my work. I do free stuff but, I'd like to take my work to the next level. If you can't afford to pay me in cash when my part of the work is done, we can work out something via email. 

Здравствуйте, вам еще нужен художник? Я рисую пиксель арт, вы можете связаться со мной в дискорде ЯПіТо#4988

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