Unity Resource Post
- Documentation
- Video tutorials from the beginning
- Beginner gameplay scripting
- 2D Game development walkthrough
- 2D Rogue-like tutorial
- Top down 2D game basics
- Space shooter tutorial
- Survival shooter tutorial
Other tutorials
- Catlike Coding C# scripting tutorials
- Create a simple 2D pong game
- How to create a tower defense game
- Jimmy Vegas's beginner game tutorial playlist
- Ray Wenderlich's list of Unity tutorials
- rm2kdev's RPG tutorial playlist
Useful resources
- Unity's free assets (projects, samples, and tools)
- Fungus: free editor extension for creating visual novels, interactive fiction, point and click games
- UniRPG: tool to help create 3D hack and slash RPG games
- Texture packer: create sprite sheets for your game
This is a work in progress, so feel free to add more for this list!