I've only ever developed one game before, called Ricky's Rad Adventures (you can find it on itch.io) which is a 2d platformer. I know java remotely well and have used GameMaker since when it was free and I was young. Now that I want to be professional, I'm participating in jams like these and learning new skills before entering college as a Computer Science Major/Game Design and Programming minor.
Basically, my concept is a story and decision-based RPG with a bullet-hellish battle system. It's based off of an English fairy tale called "My Own Self" which you can read here. I have no art skill what-so-ever so I'll be heavily relying on Royalty-Free assets to design this game. My timeline of development is the length of the jam. I plan on updating my devlog everyday with something I've done. As I balance this around work, I may not have a finished project by the end of the jam, but hopefully a sneak-peek into what I've planned. Hope you guys enjoy it!