hello! i'm j, one of your RAs and late to my own dang party. i love games about space, plants, witches, and forests... and for this jam i'm creating a game about forests, plants, and spirits! (and maybe witches?!?)
the concept
a voiceless being wanders out into the forest every night to gather up to 3 seeds. they return by morning to plant them, and slowly begin to cultivate a small garden. the seedlings draw the attention of forest spirits who visit the greenhouse (or shrine ?!? i cant decide). it's possible they have come to watch their descendants grow. there's not much beyond this so far but i'm excited to see where it takes me...
my goals
i really hope to flex my New Baby Unity C# Skills and even try creating a shader or two O'': !! more than anything i want to create a peaceful and mysterious environment to explore.
unfortunately my tablet is totally! trashed! so all my sketches have been pencil... i really love the idea of Weird Forests so i've been kicking around some tree and plant designs.
i also really liked the idea of ghosts/spirits taking forms similar to trees or somehow starting to gain form over time as your own garden grows. they would wander around and look at the plants and then leave peacefully ;;;
assets so far
IT LOOKS VERY RIDICULOUS but i knocked out a tree mesh, a silhouette, and a greenhouse. still deciding on atmosphere + colors and what look exactly the shaders should get across. here's some testing of the camera + 3rd person camera.... i originally wanted to do 1st person but i liked demonstrating the relationship between a character and the environment... it feels more observational.
my immediate goals:
- finalize at least 3 tree assets
- create shrine asset
- fix npc ai bug