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The Scenic Route

A topic by Soggy Sweaty Games created Jul 15, 2018 Views: 962 Replies: 21
Viewing posts 1 to 17

"One day, you're walking down the path that leads around the lake you live off of, you walk this path almost every day to get home from work. But today, something peculiar happened. As you walk along, you catch a glimpse of something out of the corner of your eye. As it turns out, it appears an abandoned rowboat has washed up on shore. Being the adventurous type, you decide to take the scenic route. You mount the strange vessel, and begin to row toward the direction of your home. after a minute or two of rowing you begin to realize that you haven't actually made any sort of progress toward your destination. But you have, gotten farther from the shoreline you originated from. A slight sense of dread creeps into your core as you paddle harder and harder, desperate to make any sort of headway. after a minute or so of panicked paddling, the shore you came from is now barely visible, while your destination  appears no closer then when you started. It is now very apparent, that you are stuck on a lake that doesn't intend on letting you go easy."

This is a simple, 2D, Infinite runner style game with a little (And I mean A LITTLE) survival mechanics as well.  I wanted to go with a pretty simple game so I could focus mostly on honing my skills with Gimp, making art assets and whatnot.  perhaps if I have enough time left over I'll even try my hand at making my own music for the game (O.O) 

Everything I've  made for the game so far is shown in this one Gif.

Considering it took me like, three hours to do this, that's not bad... wait what am I saying? that's terrible! lol! well I suppose practice makes perfect! \('u')/

Well until next time I guess. That's it for day one for me! I'm outta here!

Submitted (1 edit)

Day 2

Ahh, the second day of development is just about over! I've made some tweaks and some additions, namely.

  • Tweaked water sprite to look a bit better.
  • Added basic player rowing/boat animations

  • Added Fish sprite (for later implementation

  • Implemented rowing functionality(No longer decorative!)

And that's all for day 2! see you next time! Hopefully I'll have more to show tomorrow.

Host (1 edit)

hey this looks really nice so far! i love what you're doing with the parallax for the waves--it almost feels like the game is 3D even with 2D assets.

also--it looks like the recording program youre using is pausing your gifs before looping them again. we had some gif programs listed here and usually what i do is upload the gif to the post or imgur for longer gifs!


Thanks! that's kinda what I was goin' for so it's good to know it's working. (oWo)

thank's for the suggestions, I've already replaced my Gif Recording software. (much better now!)


Day 3

Welp! day 3 is over, it was a slow day but I did get some stuff done.

  • Added strength system, you lose strength by rowing(when you run out of strength the game ends.)

  • started implementing fish system(used to restore strength)

vvv And, some time soon I'll work on Implementing this bad boy! vvv

That's it for today! hopefully tomorrow won't be as much of a drag as today.  


This is looking really fun!! I love the little pixel fish.


Thanks! I'm quite proud of my little fish. 馃榿


Love the art!


That's good to hear! I'm trying to improve my skills with making art assets. So it's good to know at least one person likes it lol!

Submitted (1 edit)

Day 4

Remember how last entry of this DevLog I said I hoped today wouldn't be as much of a drag as yesterday? well that did not happen. I actually got LESS done today. but to my defense, I've been pretty busy today with real life things. So here's what I've done.

  •   More fully Implemented the fish system (You can now consume fish to regain strength and fish now spontaneously fling themselves out of the water and into your boat (randomly) as you row lol!) 

That's it... that's all I've done. But I have some thing's planned for the near future. Namely, I've been looking at sound effects creating software. I think for this Jam I'm going to experiment with Bfxr, making my own sound effects as well as... well... everything else.

Anyway, that's it for today. Maybe the morning will bring a more productive day?

Submitted (2 edits)

Day 5

Luckily today was not as horrible as yesterday! But I still don't have a lot to show today, as a decent portion of my time was taken up brainstorming  more features to keep the player interested for a longer period of time. My solution to this problem was of course...


  • Added In-game currency for purchasing player upgrades and whatnot! (Money Accumulates quicker the faster you move)

I don't know if I'll start work on the Main menu, or the Upgrade menu tomorrow. But either way it may take more then one day so I may not post tomorrow.

also I changed my Gif recorder again so now I can record better Gif's, at any length I want... so yay!


anyway that's it for today. Over and out or whatever!


Day 6

So I decided to go ahead and post today, I also decided to work on the Main menu first before the Upgrade menu. Today was all prep for implementing the Main menu. Unless I completely laze out tomorrow, the next post should be introducing the menu.

But for now here's what I've done so far.

This is kinda what you can expect from the finished menu, though this isn't the finale draft. I'll probably change it a bit, though for the most part I'm pretty happy with it. Mostly the grass and the shadow's for the tree need work.

Also, I've slapped together a mostly customize-able fade to/form black script so smooth transition between scenes is now... ya know... a thing that can happen...


Annnd That's about it. Perhaps tomorrow I'll have a menu!

Submitted (1 edit)

Day 7

We're about at the halfway point now! Can't wait to see what everybody's done by next week. anyways, I've got the menu very nearly fully functional. I just need to work on the upgrade menu now and then the menu's side of thing's should be done! also managed to achieve a semi-animated background as well!

(It's not that janky in-game I swear!)

also got the transition stuff in place, considering I've never done transitions like this I think I did alright.

and yes as you may have seen above. I am working on adding clouds! soon the sky's won't be so lonely! 

Anyway! I think that's about it today. Until next time!


Day 8

Ahh. another day, another sense of slight disappointment in my own abilities... Anyway! Today I've started work on the upgrade menu.

There isn't much to say about it right now... it's pretty self explanatory at this point. though in other new's, I ran into my first bug!


Whenever I build the game, for some reason of which I have yet to discover(Though I haven't really investigated) the water decides it's done being slow. So it goes a million miles per hour instead. lol

(Just in case you weren't sure, this is what it's supposed to look like.)

But anyway. That's all I got right now. Hopefully more tomorrow!

Submitted (1 edit)

Day 9

Today I did't really do much of anything, but I did do one thing. I WAS able to fix the menu bug that made the water go FTL(faster than light) all I did was move the piece of code that makes the water move from the Update() method to the FixedUpdate() method. I guess the overhead from the engine running was enough to keep the frame rate down low enough that the water behaved within the normal laws of physics. But once the game was built and that overhead was gone the frame rate skyrocketed and with it, the water. But because the FixedUpdate() method updates Independently from the frame rate, it does't seem to have that problem. So yeah at least there's that,  anyway, I'll try to do more tomorrow. As of the time of this post I'm studying up on save data using binary files(I think... I don't know I'm very tired) I'm familiar with saving using Json but I wanted to try something else this time. welp! maybe tomorrow I'll have that upgrade system ready. who know's? I don't.


Day 10

Today I got the upgrade system and the save system partly in place.  once these are in place then I just need to work on one or two more game mechanics, then the actual game is done. I'll just need to clean it up then work on sound! I'm really hoping I have enough time(and skill) to do at least a "decent" job with the sound design. But we'll see. I hope tomorrow I'll get more done. Today I was kinda busy, but by the time I got un-busy I couldn't really focus on what I was doing. so that lead to poor use of time, which is mostly why I don't already have these systems in place in the first place. well anyway doing SOMETHING is better than doing NOTHING I suppose. well I guess that's it, til next time.


Nice updates! That's awesome that you're close to being done! I look forward to trying it out.


Thanks Godzilla! I Can't wait to finish this and give my poor burnt out brain a rest. lol!


I hear ya. I worked on UI stuff all day today and am fried.


Day 11

Well, it was a hard fought battle, through all the bug's(I could find) through my poorly organized scripts, and through my inability to focus. I've finally Implemented...

  • The Upgrade system!


you can now spend your hard earned coins on player upgrades!

  • Save System!

The game saves your upgrades and coins so you can pickup where you left off last time!

  • Game Over Screen!

That's right, you can lose now. Though the game still isn't very hard.

Ahhhh. It feel's good to actually have some thing's to actually show off. Next on the agenda is to Implement some enemy's and maybe do some cleaning up and actually implement those clouds like I said I would. but I do believe that's all that's left to do before moving on to sound.

Well that's all for now! Now get off my DevLog page! lol


Day 12

Okay, I'm really beginning to get anxious now with the end of the jam so close. But I think I can make it! It won't be the prettiest thing but it'll be functional. But, on to what I've done!

  • Enemies!

This bad boy want's your fish and gold! It's  super basic, it just spawns randomly and come's and takes some of your gold and fish. you can't really defend yourself against it. but it's just there to make things a bit more difficult.

  • Tweak to the Upgrade menu

Added A description that pops up when you mouse over an upgrade. Now you actually know what you're buying!

And with that the game is now in a "playable" state. I just need to work on sound now. And if I have any time left over after that then I might make some tweaks here and there before release.

But that's all for now! man this game has taken longer then I anticipated it would.


It. Is. Done. It's not the prettiest... but it should run! and that's something at least lol! Ahhh I feel accomplished now. Like I can now die a happy man, I've lived my life to it's apex, I can leave now. lol! anyway! until next time! PEACE!