Hello there! 😊
Our game is a top-down old-school RPG game. The basic synopsis of the story is that you are a traveller in a dessert and needs to bring back fresh water for a village in need. The water source is controlled by a group of evil individuals and you need to battle your way out.
Our team is quite new to both Unity and game development, therefore we want to use this jam to practice our skills. We aim to make a basic level out of this jam.
Day 1 Goals Achieved:
- Basic movement for player (walk and talk to)
- Basic movement for NPG (walking around)
- Basic UI for dialogue system
Day 2:
We haven't finished the dialogue system on Day 1, so we get it done today. The current progress is like below:
We will now move on to make basic object interaction and inventory system. While at the same time, trying to name our game! :D