One day I got a newsletter from with (some other) game jam and I've got an idea to join it. But since it was looking way more advanced I've found MFGJ. For some time now I wanted to make something with Unity but there wasn't any "deadline" so I never did finish. Hopefully this time I will be able to make some working prototype
Game idea: Open world island where you can drive a car and activate checkpoint trials.
Task list:
- (In progress) Open world island or at least partially open
(here is my initial height map (V1) I painted yesterday- and it's not a ghost and current slightly more detailed) I've imported it into Unity and with some tweaks I think it's gonna be just about right. It's supposed to be 300x300m but most likely it will get restricted areas if I won't have enough time to fill it with content - (40%) 2 drivable cars
- (Done) 3 checkpoint races
- (not started) few collectibles scattered around an island
- (90%) simple menu with New Game, Continue( saves current player position, finished trials and collectibles) and Options( with
controls and some graphic settings<edit>autosave, volume ) - (80%) car fx sounds like engine or collision
- (Cancelled) any background music
Additional content: I would really like to add some AI drivers but this may prove a daunting task and I leave it for later
Day 1: Prepared heightmap and imported into Unity. Created few terrain textures which I would like to keep in hand drawn style to make it easier and less time consuming