this isn't really a devlog, more of a cry for help. on day 3 i got *most* of the movement code done, but the dash i implemented broke the D button for some reason, so i decided to take a break and start up a new Terraria modded playthrough, which i spent the rest of my free time doing. on day 4, i decided i wouldn't work on the character movement and instead on making a moving platform, so i followed a tutorial (it didn't work.) having already spent 20-40 minutes on it, i took another "break" (started procrastinating). how should i stay motivated? sorry for having so much trouble and asking so many questions, this is my first game jam, my first game, and i had only followed a few brief tutorials before this, i guess i should have prepared better. oh, and, how do i not procrastinate? thanks in advance for those who answer.