And with this I draw a line under this game jam. Late, but at least I finished it, kinda?
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I know what you mean, which is why I am really glad that in my app there's the option to put a percent completed value or a x/y completed (for example 3/10 scenes complete) and it updates on the percentage of the wohle project. Also you could break the tasks into smaller ones. Even if they might sound trivial then. Hope you find what works for you!
I can only speak for myself, but I do procrastinate a looooot... so... in my experience you have to find the reason for it. For me it's fear, overwhelmedness in front of all the tasks I have to do. Not knowing where to begin and where to end.
So my tip is:
Make a plan! A realistic plan. List all the things (yeah all of them, so you know excactly where you stand) you want to do and what progress you made with them. Cross the things you did from the list, it will give you a sense of achievement and retain a positive attitude (aka motivation). If your stuck on one item of your task list, leave it for now and make something else. Finish small part - goals.
Maybe download some project management software. It helps to have an overview rather than shooting into the blue. Not knowing if you're ever gonna get anywhere. I use the app "Project manager" because it's simple and fast and doesn't steal me more time than it gives. I'm addicted to crossing out things from that list now.
PS: I was procrastinating as I wrote this. But not with my game, but with my master thesis, lol...
Finished... Kinda...
So, guys. I finish. Not the game, but the jam. There is much left to do, but I had a good time, working alongside you. It was amazing to see all the progress, feel the struggles and see many amazing games emerge from nothing. I was so impressed, you guys are amazing. I feel I pretty much look pale against y'all, but I learned a lot and I got farther mith my idea.
I learned especially a lot of HTML, CSS and Javascript, which is pretty cool. And I had a pretty good project management.
On the other hand I did not have many time to draw though... so it still looks kinda strange. And I underestimated my workload so hard!!
But that's it. Unfortunately my game is very rough, so I decided to not make it playable, but only make a preview:
(sorry for the bad quality... my mic and screen capture software are not so good...)
Wishing you the best, you guys!!!
Day 5-8
No time for nothing - a lot of ideas and I know a little bit more where I'm headed.
Unfortunately I have few time and a lot of chaos in my life right now. The last days I could not do much. I wrote more story, since I had some ideas at my dull part time job :P. I fixed the soundbug, it was not really a bug... Also I began with my skill stats system. I am leaning more to a stat management game. Something that feels a lot like a P&P. In a visual novel style.
I'm so faaar from finished. As for the last days I'd like to make
- day 1 completely playable
- make a menu screen that looks okay
- upgrade all the scetches in the game to ... sketches Lvl 2.
- make a promo video that explains the game mechanics.
last but no least, have some more sketchy as hell screenshots.
- a weird job interview to determine the character stats
- Mr Standert (who is also my size standard for character sprites) will not stand for any injustice, but he stands here as a stand in for a street musician in the park. Outstanding.
There goes my last brain cell ~~~~~~~~~ . . . . . . . . . . . .
See you!
Day 3 -4
I am having a good time. But I noticed now to what extent I cannot make this project in time. My project management software tells me I have 72 tasks left. ahahaaa... Well, I never expected to finish this anyway, only tried to see how far I can get.
I drew some more artwork and wrote a bit more story, so here are some screenshots and stuff:
-new menu screen
- some choices and a lot of unfinished artwork, sigh
-more unfinished stuff, yay

-and I now have a nasty system bug. Lol... all because I wanted to adjust the music volume temporarily... That's gonna get nasty....
But I'm not giving this up, just yet.
Day 2
Today was a busy day. I didn't make much... I played around creating music with my loop library and I made a youtube channel, so I could preview what kind of music will be in the game. And it sounds like thissss:
Since I'm not a professional... anything...
I'd love any feedback...
Day 1
Hi Folks,
welcome to my struggle of getting this game out of my head and into the world:
it's a start. This is the first time I ever published something for this game. It is faaar from finished, but for the game jam I decided to update it as often as possible.
I guess I'll use the next less than two weeks to review almost daily what I have done and what I still need to do, what to do next and what to skip for now. For me it's a way to manage and control all the workload - a task, where I have failed epicly many times before. But not this time (maybe) If somebody finds this Devlog and finds it entertaining or even helpfull the better. :] so let's get started.
What i have made so far
- some concept art, some buttons and other small stuff.

- an almost working menu structure. Most of it works... (guess what, the buttons go into the circles)
- some recordings, but none if it is quiet perfect. I need to re-record some stuff.
Buuuut I had a major breakthrough this week. I finally figured out how to have the cursor in Tyranobuilder become what I want it to, instead of the pointer, when hovering over a normal branch button. Yeeeees!!! It took me almost two weeks of reading code, randomly changing variables in important looking system files, beginning to learn javascript/Html/CSS and finally finding a solution in a mix of many forum posts that tried similar things... now this cursor changes to
I'm so happy, yay!
To Do
- character sprites
- re-record some music
- write more story, maybe 2 routes
- figure out choices and consequences
- figure out a kind of skill system
- figure out a config page in tyranobuilder
- find a way to produce background art faster, that still looks good, hopefully even better than my shit... xP
- keep cool...
And then...
- maybe make an energy bar
- implement a money system
- make 7 character routes
- image gallery items
- achievments
- more endings
- ...
- will it ever end?
I hope I am doing everything right so far. Tell me, if I did something, it's my first jam. O.o