On the Community
- Introduce yourself! You don't have to be making a game to let jammers know who you are and what you can help out with.
- Check out the devlogs and give feedback! Keep an eye out for projects exploring skills or programs you have relevant experience in.
On the Discord
- Introduce yourself on the server and check out jammers' progress!
- This jam we have introduced an exciting feature that allows jammers to mention a certain skill or engine and for mentors to receive notifications of these specific questions! To do this we have created a role on the discord server for mentors. Mentors can then add different skills as "roles" to their profile that they would be willing to answer questions about. If jammers need help, they can @ groups like @unity or @2Dart mentors with their question.
- To request to be a mentor, drop a note in the #mentor-requests channel.