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[Devlog] Superhero U

A topic by aliengeometries created Jan 08, 2017 Views: 397 Replies: 6
Viewing posts 1 to 6
Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Hello, y'all, I'm Innes! I'm going to be doing most of my updates on my Tumblr, and that'll typically be updated multiple times a day, but I figured I might also post every few days on Itch to kind of summarize what I've been doing.

The Game

Superhero U is a turn-based superhero fighting game. I love making things customizable, and after the jam, I'm going to be working on character customization, but in the meantime, I'm going to be working on the fight system. (Why? I've made customizable characters before, so I want to try something new.)

The plot? Not much of one. This is a technical demo, not a story demo. I'm just trying to get things working here.

The Characters

In the spirit of the jam, the demo characters are Kitty (blue, fire attacks) and Doggo (red, water attacks). They may have original art assets by the end of the jam -- we'll see. (I may just stick cat or dog ears onto some placeholder assets if it comes down to that.) In the demo, the difference between their attacks will be cosmetic.

The Platform

This is being made in Game Maker, which I have ZERO experience with. Should be fun!

The Goals

  1. Turn-based combat with two attacks per character
  2. Animated attacks
I can't find my notes at the moment, but I'm pretty sure those are the two. The characters don't have to move, but the attacks do.

So that's the plan. You can see my progress and more information on Tumblr or Trello, and I'll summarize every few days on Itch.


it's definitely a good idea to focus on functionality for the jam! i think heartbeast maybe has tutorials on turn-based rpgs in gamemaker if you want to check them out!


It looks like the specific turn-based RPG course is still in the works, but they have some other useful videos that I'll look into (pause menu, projectiles, etc). Thank you for bringing this to my attention!


Jan. 9, 2017

So far, I have:

  1. A basic interface
  2. Attack buttons that visibly respond to being clicked (gif)
  3. Attack buttons that fire projectiles
  4. Specific sub-images for specific attacks
Next, I'll be looking into adding the turn-based element -- only allowing one attack before switching to the opponent -- and basic NPC AI to decide which attack to use.

I'm feeling good about the progress I've made so far! If I keep this up, I should have time to add original art assets.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Jan. 13, 2017

Since last update, I have added: [deep breath]

  1. Turn-based functionality
  2. NPC attacks
  3. Basic NPC AI (choosing between one of two attacks)
  4. Death
  5. Functional HP bars
  6. Attacks of differing strengths
  7. A "pass turn" button, for testing purposes
  8. SFX
  9. A mute/unmute button
  10. Original character assets
  11. Character selection
  12. Attacks determined by character
  13. Randomly chosen NPC
  14. Randomly chosen turn order!

Whew, that's a lot. But, hey, I know people just skim the text part of these posts. HERE'S A VIDEO!


Jan. 17, 2017

Alright, it seems like it's a good time to update y'all on Itch.

Since my last post, I have:

  1. Added custom attack sprites
  2. Added a background
I've been doing some reading up on Game Maker, but the major reason for my not having done as much was a lack of focus -- I got a new video game and a new show came out, so I got sidetracked by those (finished both)... and then the weather started interfering with my hardware.

It's rather annoying.

I have ample time to add prettier plain buttons and original attack button art, but it shall be at the whim of the weather.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Jan. 20, 2017

Since last update, I:

  1. Got the buttons to work!
  2. Created and imported original attack button assets!
  3. Made a character selection background!
  4. Added impact noises!
  5. Made the title background!
  6. Tweaked the HP!
  7. And... posted the game!

Let me know what y'all think :)