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It's A Platformer

A topic by Chainsta created Jan 26, 2020 Views: 456 Replies: 14
Viewing posts 1 to 9
(1 edit) (+2)

Okay, hello to whoever is reading this! :D

This devlog will probably be my place to share my progress. And my train of thoughts while making the game.

I'll be doing this solo, using the engine GDevelop 5. It'll be a 2D platformer, with the focus being a grappling hook mechanic. The rough roadmap being:

  • Basic platformer mechanics (walking and jumping, collision)
  • Grappling hook mechanic (shooting and circular motion)
  • Making a level
  • Making acceptable visual assets
  • Adding sounds and music

Haven't thought about the story or the theme. Nor a title. I'll just add it up after the mechanics are done. Meh.

(Edit 20/01/27) There'll be a lot of gifs here~



Sounds good to me, good luck!

Thanks! I'll need good luck. And good luck to your project, too!


ohhh grappling hook mechanics are really cool! i can't wait to see how you implement it!


Yesss! I always adore the grappling hook / swinging around in what few games that they appear, which I happened play. Had to simplify it but I'll try to make up for it with level design. 


It's Day 3 now, so I figured I'd post my progress. Log:

  • Day 1: Messed around with the engine. There's a built-in platformer engine inside already but I decided to not use it. Went for changing X Y positions instead of using "add force." Also tried the engine's collision check and "move object away from..." action. Learned a lot of obvious things like "putting a brake." Now I think I was just making things harder for myself...

  • Day 2: Kinda fixed the jump and movement mechanics...? Also added the shooting mechanic for the hook. At this point I realized that collision check is problematic.

  • Day 3: Decided to switch to the engine's built-in platformer things. There's this "bullet through paper" thing that keeps happening when the hook collides with things, making it messy. Also, setting up the player-platform collisions are tougher than I first thought, when tying it with gravity, player's move speed etc. Hence me switching over to built-in "behaviors." Now I'm halfway thru the circular motion for when the grappling hook is stuck. I'm thinking of either shooting the hook at mouse pointer or making some special "magnetic" spots so that it'll get stuck nicely. 

Man, I made so many mistakes doing this... But I'm glad I did though. :D. Also LICEcap'd a lot of things just like last jam. 

Next up I'll have to set the collision to cancel the swinging mode and make up my mind for how to trigger the swinging. I'll add more things after if I can.

Thanks for stopping by! +sorry not sorry for the gif dump :)


This is good, I like the gif dump, it gives me a good indication of your progress. You have taken several twists and turns already, which is fine! I have also taken a turn in my project which slowed me down alittle. The swinging looks really good now. Depending on whether or not you want to emphasize the player's skill in clicking at the right time, or emphasize proper movement control will determine how you trigger the swinging mode. My personal preference comes from terraria which sorta has a grappling hook which is tied to the left mouse button. The grappling hook just shoots in the general direction of the mouse, that way the mouse doesn't have to be RIGHT on the hook-able object, instead the grappling hook just collides with it along the way.

Thanks for the advice! The Terraria example is pretty useful and practical. And thanks for pointing out the control vs freedom bit. I definitely want to swing wherever I want, and I'll make a way for it.

Host (1 edit)

i agree! the gifs are really helpful for comparing your progress. i like that you explained your reasoning for making decisions--sometimes i like building my own systems, but other times it does end up being more useful to use built-in classes. either way i try to make sure my decision is well informed, and if i can't decide sometimes i'll do both and see what i like more! i loved how thorough this update was!


I just like to write out my train of thought rant. Also, yeah, I like building my own system, stubbornly without looking up tutorials, which end up taking a lot of time. I plan to finish the mechanics this week because next week real life things will start. So, I'll just make what isn't available and make use of what's already available. Starting to stitch up all the different parts of the mechanic, leaving the failed attempts, so, yay!


honestly when you build from scratch you learn a lot!! it's a great experience

(1 edit)

Not really working on the game today, but I guess I'll post some progress updates. Itch won't properly display the gifs I upload, so I'll upload them later. 

  • Day 4: Worked on the swinging part. For this jam I'm only making a simple 180 degree swing. I've an idea on controlling the swinging more, but implementing it will take time and I probably won't have the time to make levels to highlight those features anyway, so, it's a not yet. Also remembered that -90 degrees is actually the same as +270 degrees, and this took me hours to realize. Collision when swinging is still a bum.

  • Day 5: I got an idea on handling the collision and a tie to the theme, yay! Basically, people don't want to touch something super hot or cold. And when they do, they'd just jump away from it. That's it. Also made use of the jump-thru platform from the engine, so swinging through those, and stepping on those, are fine. Haven't fully redone all the previous swinging features, but hey, the goal for yesterday was to make sure the player bounces. Which was a job done.

  • Day 6: Today I don't work on the game. I just don't feel like it. So, here I am updating the devlog. Now that I think about it, my game doesn't look as pretty as others...?  might open up paint.net or Chrome Music Lab later today, maybe.  Better not stay lazy for too long.

Anyways, yeah, thanks for stopping by and good luck with life! I'll probably check to upload the gifs sometime tomorrow.


I feel this!

For me it's that I promise myself at the end of the day I'll work on mine only to find myself completely exhausted and instead go down a Youtube rabbit hole until I pass out. It seems worse when I hit a wall in the game making process that's hard to break, like spending hours figuring out how to resolve something and feeling that you've spent so much time on something "not productive."

Today I might need to take some time for a break too. I got a lot of work stuff and the kids tonight and I should probably regroup a little. I also had that same issue with Gifs and even regular screenshots! Maybe the upload size limit goes for not just posts but the collective amount of posts on a single thread? My last one I had to just add a link to my image on Imgur.

Good luck with keeping the momentum! It's looking fun! :D

Man, physics-based games are hard to make... and my foundation so far has been kinda wobbly. Still, daily logs first:

  • Day 7: Not much added. Copy-pasted some things from day 5's work. Added a "pull" mechanic but it's way harder to make it feel right than I imagined. Also, jump-thru platforms being jump-thru, when the player falls with certain angle they just go thru.

  • Day 8: Tweaked around the player's speed a bit. This time I really feel the disconnection between the player's built-in behavior and the "add force" actions. The player's speed from the behavior is completely separate from the forces. I can make it so that the force decreases over time using the player's gravity, walk speed etc. into the calculation, but I don't feel like putting in the work... Plus the swinging motion is just setting the player's position each frame, no forces at work. And I'm running low on motivation. No gifs today.

So, euhh, actually, mechanics-wise I've put in almost everything that I have in mind for the jam period. I'm thinking of adding a way to adjust the length of the swing while swinging and adding some sort of "lives" thing. I'm not even planning to make a main menu. The big thing I'll have to work on next would be level design. Either one simple level, with maybe some coins to collect in certain hard-to-reach places, or make it a scrolling map, some race with time...?

Just... physics games are about momentum , either real or just feels-like, or at least I think that's what they're about. I can't handle physics well, and the built-in behavior has its extents which my intention is beyond those. Maybe I'll redo everything once again and say goodbye to "Player is on land." Redo, because actually I've been redoing this everyday from day 1 - 5, every time testing new things. Maybe I'll make a Labo VI or even VII.

I guess 5 days a week is about right for me. There's still some things to do to make the game presentable, but, meh. I've learned my piece. I'm still going to work on this alright. Expect some minimal-effort assets and sounds, har har!

Okay, today's more wordy and rant-y. But still thanks for stopping by!


I will stop working on this project indefinitely. Which also means that I'm not going to submit anything for this jam. Not much progress, if any, from last update. I've   gotten used to the engine, and I guess I've also learned prototyping a bit. I'll take it as a win.

I started the project with a vague idea and only focused on some (apparently complicated) mechanic. The problem is that, though going solo, I really didn't do anything about all the other stuff. Was kinda putting it away for later, my motivation got thinner, and school said hi. In short, I overestimated myself, motivation and capability,  especially for the 2nd week.

Thanks for everyone who visited this devlog, and sorry to disappoint. Still, good luck to those who are still working on their project!