"...Due to the recent explosion of frozen star Tomo-E, we can expect severe cold chills in the Galan region, with the highest concentration passing through station H1-MA.”
"So get your socks and thermal coats out."
"Excuse me dear viewers, I was made aware that the frost blasts will cause such a low temperature that few organisms may live. Thus evacuation is advised from the station within the next 30 days..."
Hello there, I hope you enjoy the intro snippet written by our writer @captaincamaron!
"H1-MA Escape Plan (Placeholder name)" is our project for MFGJ9 about a young engineer named Phi who tries to escape from a killing frost approaching the space colony she lives in. She either can amass credits (money) to buy an escape ticket (whose price has skyrocketed since the news) or craft her own rocket with the help of some friends.
The game mainly focuses on time/resource management. Each day the player chooses what Phi should do: go to work, spend time building the rocket, or befriend NPCs.
[Devlog: Day 1-3]
Our team is a bit late for the party. But for the first few days, we have come up with the game mechanics, story, and how we want it to look.
A small moodboard was made as a visual guide
A concept art for game screen and UI
Character design sketch by our main artist @dotoriii
Hope to tell you more soon!