Hello to everybody!
I'm Alessandro, a wanna-be tabletop RPG designer. I've dabbled with game design as a hobby for the last few years but I've never taken the bullet of trying to design for a jam. This one has been suggested to me earlier today, so I'm going to give it a try.
As suggested, I'll try to make a daily devlog about my current state of development.

My day one goal is to have a clear pathway going forward, by setting up a list of focus areas for my concept and what I'd be required working at first to make it work.
- Core Idea
I took the Nature pitch and ran with it. I've been intrigued by a tabletop game where Nature exploration does play a great role in it, so I'd make nature exploration (or "nature delving" going forward) a core element. Thinking at vast hostile natural spaces that players have to tame, I'd consider designing a Prehistoric game, where there is a clear-cut separation between the hunting ground's hostilities and the safety of our little human village. The game will be currently designed top-bottom, from the game experience to the mechanics required.
- Game Experience
In this yet-to-be-named prehistoric game, the players play as hunters trying to gather enough food for their families and the whole village to survive. What sacrifices will they make to collect more food and what sacrifices will they make if they didn't collect enough?
- Focus Areas
I'd rather make it a short and concise game, in order for the project to be brought to completion. As far as the game loop goes, it's self-evident that the game will be played by nature delving into specific hunting grounds for food, then the players will bring the food back home, before going nature delving once more. The greater chunk of gameplay will be into hunting grounds, but what the players care about is back home.
- Setting: I'd rather make it be a partially generic setting with blank spaces for the GM to fill. As far as things go, I'd like a small amount of magic as far as non-dinosaurs but still slightly fantasy big game creatures. The game would really benefit from a map and detailed places, but there is not enough time. I'd rather have a prehistoric painting aesthetic, which by the way would be much easier to make.
- Create a generic setting.
- Hunters: Hunters are measured by how well they do things aren't they? I'd rather make a skill-based system over an attribute-based system here with a handful of very simple classes. Tools are important for prehistoric settings, so I threw an inventory system back there.
- Create a Skill system. (check Blades in the Dark)
- Create a Class system. (check ICRPG)
- Create an Inventory system.
- Hunting Grounds: Hunting grounds are essentially re-flavored dungeons. I love the idea of making them turn-based pointcrawls (check Alexandrian), where characters have access to a set number of exploration actions each turn. Combat boils down to a simple skill check.
- Decide on Exploration actions. (check oD&D and games with explicit dungeon-delving rules)
- Create Pointcrawl creation rules.
- Create Wandering monster rules.
- Food: Food can be harvested from animal corpses, big and small. I think it could be used as the main time-management resource of the game. Closer hunting grounds do require lesser food to travel to, while farther ones require more. Also, food allow people from Home to be kept alive.
- Decide on Food costs.
- Decide on Food costs.
- Home: Home is the place the characters come back to. I'd love it the game had Home creation rules right at the start (check Legacy and A song of Ice and Fire), with named npcs and their role within the village to ground them and make them more real and potentially die if the food is not enough.
- Create Home creation rules.
- Create Downtime rules.
What I think to be interesting is that the system of the hunting grounds could be harvested easily for 5E players to design and run dungeons. I may come back writing a thing for dmsguild if it works in playtest.
- Concerns
I need to make an explicit point about animal abuse at the beginning of the game, being a topic of subject. This is a subject the game delves into and it's a deal-breaker if a player has issues about speaking about animal abuse. Also, I need to explicit that the game is a pulp non-accurate version of prehistoric life, so hunters can and should be both men and women.
Hope it'll go well!