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What are you working on? Sticky

A topic by Kai Medina created Oct 31, 2022 Views: 119 Replies: 3
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I have the 2022 Grim Press fantasy stock art subscription from Drivethru RPG.  It's pretty much themed for epic high magic fantasy, so I'll come up with something that fits that aesthetic.  I have ideas, but can I  E X P A N D  on them to reach that word count?  We shall see.


Awesome! I’m currently thinking of doing something that encourages graphic novel creation off of it - kinda inspired by delve and other things

Been working for a while on adapting individual mechanics from Legend of Dragoon for tabletop, and because I have nothing else I could possibly throw several thousand words at I guess I’m also rewriting the setting and lore to make, perhaps, a whole game. Eventually.