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Kai Medina

A member registered Mar 01, 2022 · View creator page →

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awe that is so heartwarming to hear! Hope you enjoy 😁

We live in a world of abstractions, where the mind constantly creates and updates mental models to make sense of its surroundings. Memory can be fragile, often fading as we move between spaces, with our internal maps shifting as quickly as we navigate them.1 Simulation is intrinsic to human nature, as is play— a topic I explored just a few weeks ago. Today, I’ll be exploring Hive Synapse Spy Agency, a tabletop game by Austin Lim and Anton Galang, as its background sheds light on the cross-sectionality of neuroscience, science-fiction, and the power of games to envision a new future.

This is an image of a triangular diagram from Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics. The diagram represents the "Pictorial Vocabulary" of comics and visual arts, with three labeled vertices:  Reality: Representing detailed, realistic imagery (e.g., a highly detailed face). Language: Representing abstraction and symbols (e.g., a smiley face or simple icon). The Picture Plane: Representing pure shapes, lines, and colors without representational context (e.g., a square, triangle, and circle). Inside the triangle, there are various illustrations that transition between these extremes, such as progressively abstracted faces moving from realistic depictions toward symbolic representations. Two speech bubbles explain the diagram:  The top describes the "Picture Plane" as the realm where shapes and colors exist as themselves. The second explains how the triangular area encompasses the total vocabulary of comics and visual arts.

From the graphic novelist’s bible: Understanding Comics by Scott Mcloud

We play to help understand the world around us in a safe environment. It is an adaptive behavior prevalent throughout nature2 that allows a creature to imagine scenarios and test abilities that may aid them when they are met with these encounters.

“Although adults might define as work infants’ struggle to balance and begin to stand or walk independently, infants appear to have intrinsic motivations for achieving these motor skills and show expressions of pleasure in achieving them. Thus, this motor practice appears to be play for infants.” - Garner, B. P. (2021)

So, we create simulations outside our mind in order to form simulations in our mind, all-and-all to understand the world best we can. We are developing creatures, who still use play to grow throughout our lifespan.3  Play is good for the brain.

Read the rest of this article here:

Hi there! Thank you so much for producing this and being involved in the Hive Jam! I wrote a bit about your game within the below post, and am excited to incorporate it in one of my campaigns sessions one day. Let me know if I mis-wrote anything regarding it.

I am so glad! I personally was unaware of that difference between the symptom of psychosis compared to a diagnosis, so I appreciate you informing me on that as well.

Serious games are definitely getting bigger and bigger - while I don't know how much they're used just between friend groups, on a business side they can definitely be well utilized and ARE being utilized (education, therapy, war games, etc...)

Same to you @ collaboration! Albeit I'm a busy bee, I'm definitely open to something like that if ever a good idea pops up. 


Loved the game, hope everything here sounds alright!

Hi everyone! I want you to know that I haven't forgotten about you! I really love and appreciate each of the submissions, they each chose a great new light to bring people into new ways of play. While unfortunately we do not have enough entries for a charity bundle, I strongly recommend keeping an eye on places such as the discord where folks share charity jams for people to join. Additionally, I am still writing the blog post! I want this to be more than just a highlight of the games, but going down aspects of them I really engaged with. On-top of the delay from life getting busy, I want to spend the time to do this justice, and so the post is coming but will be a bit. <3
Thank you all for helping the hive :)

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This is really wonderful! Great work. If you ever want to playtest a run at it let me know, I'll be writing up the post on the game jam hopefully sometime this week. I especially enjoy how well you tied mechanics to the hive thematics.

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This is great! I'll need to spend more time this weekend looking through it, but the Jenga mechanic seems a great way to portray this changing emotional loss discourse. The idea of harm reduction in hive minds actually triggered an idea for a game myself, but we'll see if I actually commit haha.

Good work, and I look forward to playing it sometime.


Good morning! I mentioned this game in a newsletter of mine but please let me know if I misinterpreted anything. 

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Children are not terrorists  👍

The main charity raters out there approve the legitimacy of the charity as well. In fact I have seen not one logical piece of evidence to the contrary that has to do with this specific organization and I don't work off of hate or unbacked misinformation.

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and I'm so glad I did! I mean the cause I would have supported anyway, but this is such a fun relaxing game that represents what I would make if I could.

Printing this out for my school's social space! I read over it a year ago, and this game is quite well made :)

You hit the style so well!

Good stuff

Thank you! Unfortunately this is what it looks like when I remove the hexagons due to the way I was editing:

However here are the source for both images:


Gun: (go to the GLIDE folder)

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Hey friend! I just checked the download and everything seems to still work just fine. Did you unzip the download once you got it? Either way, here's a google drive copy you can try downloading, maybe that'll work better! though this drive link seems to be giving me trouble, so here's a second go:

Apologies for the delay! Approved!

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I'm down and fit the bill! 

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this is a great joy to hear! While I know people play my games, rarely do I get a word back, so this is just wonderful :)

To answer your questions, you always tell each other your turns, but they don’t have to give away everything about your creatures, just hint at parts to them. Additionally, if you do give something big away, consider if your civilization would be able to figure this out, or if they would act without knowing this history. Finally, as there are 52 weeks in a year (cards in a deck), and 4 suits (seasons), you do move through each shuffled suit fully before going to the next season (aka rotation). 

and worst case, my games are built to be flexible. So, house rules are always encouraged!

Keep on miscommunicating, and thanks for playing!

This is the kind of thing worth sneaking onto a library bookshelf, I love it.

I'm currently working on an ocean expansion to my goblin game, and will be referencing this as a resource!

Might use this for an expansion of my game The Goblin Thought! Depends if I follow through of course, but credit will be provided!

Might use this for an expansion of my game The Goblin Thought! Depends if I follow through of course, but credit will be provided!

Looks great! Excited to play. 

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"Just print this convenient reference page 40 times to record the names of your 5,000 starting bees"

So good.

Love it!!

Got some magical, autistic, aromantic goblins for yah!

Pride Flags

A Neurodiverse, Meditative Journaling Game (Singleplayer + Multiplayer Expansion)

The Goblin Thought

But unlike all the orcs, elves, witches, living pitch, oracles, and amateur film critics of the land, goblins thought differently.

When a goblin stands short, looks to the heavens, and screeches with all its might atop its hoard, it's expressing a mix of pure anger and joy in a world not quite made for it.

The goblin hoard - a pile of goods and trinkets - is a place of greed, yes. But it's the same greed that thrives throughout this land of men and beetles. It's the allowed selfishness that helps us learn and grow, walk and run, screech and scramble. The hoard is the goblin's memory.

What you see before you may look like trash, but it contains every nook and scratch of a goblin's living and breathing history. Without it, they are reset to factory settings and must start anew. Goblins can survive for a time without a hoard, but if they are gone for too long, they tend to forget things.

The goal of this game is to experience just a fraction of what it's like to be one of these marvelous misfits; to understand a mind separated and compiled by its own and others' experiences, which may not be as alien as you think. Build your hoard with every crook or crevice acting as a neuron firing with life. Make allies and defeat monsters, or simply exist and witness. 

Be a goblin, and look upon your story with pride.

Interested? Learn more here: 

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Using this in a STEAM lesson for my middleschool class (math x an astronomy drawing game I rushingly put together)!


Hey there! I saw you put Behoro in a wishlist,  let me know if you'd want to trade that + my other game To Care is To Cairn for a copy of superstition :) 

I'm @not_kia_ on twitter

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Well I'm not the general public, and I got ideas to use in my work from it. Simple as that. Even if I didn't like it, there could still be parts that I enjoyed or brought about ideas.

Good stuff!

Love it!! I'm gonna link it within my expansion as a compatible game, good work!

Awesome! I’m currently thinking of doing something that encourages graphic novel creation off of it - kinda inspired by delve and other things


Game Jam Link:

In the spirit of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), it's time to put the pen to the paper and create some fantastic new tabletop games!

Taken from their website:

What Is NaNoWriMo? National Novel Writing Month began in 1999 as a daunting but straightforward challenge: to write 50,000 words of a novel in thirty days. Now, each year on November 1, hundreds of thousands of people around the world begin to write, determined to end the month with 50,000 words of a brand new novel. They enter the month as elementary school teachers, mechanics, or stay-at-home parents. They leave novelists. NaNoWriMo officially became a nonprofit organization in 2006, and our programs support writing fluency and education. Our website hosts more than a million writers, serving as a social network with author profiles, personal project libraries, and writing buddies. NaNoWriMo tracks words for writers like Fitbit tracks steps, and hosts real-world writing events in cities from Mexico City, to Seoul, to Milwaukee with the help of 900+ volunteers in thousands of partnering libraries and community centers like… well, like nothing else. NaNoWriMo is internet-famous. It’s community-powered (hello, Wrimos!). It’s hosted authors drafting novels like Sara Gruen’s Water for Elephants, Erin Morgenstern’s The Night Circus, Rainbow Rowell’s Fangirl, and Marissa Meyer’s Cinder. It’s a teaching tool and curriculum taught in thousands of classrooms, and NaNoWriMo’s programs run year-round. Whatever you thought NaNoWriMo is, it’s more than that.

The Goal

To promote old and new TTRPG creators to write up some great stuff this month, while supporting each other in this endeavor! 

Rules & Recommendations

  1.  You must either write 50k words in total (which can span multiple games) OR spend every day of November 2022 adding to your game. If you wish, you may also choose to focus partially on this tabletop challenge, and partially on the novel portion of NaNoWriMo.
  2. Your game must somehow support the charitable efforts of NaNoWriMo:
    1. Include a page referencing the purpose of the challenge and a link to their donation page (
    2. If you sell your game at a cost, a portion of the funds is encouraged (though not required) to go to their organization to support new and budding writers! 
  3. Your final product is encouraged to include progress shots of the game as it was being built within its main itch page.  This is to help show your process. 
  4. While one page RPG's are more than acceptable, keep to less than 5 entries this month. This is to help refine and expand the work that you have.
  5. Games do not have to have been started during November 2022 to enter, but they do have to have been sizably impacted by your work during this month.
  6. Upon submitting a game, if possible, try out someone else's game and leave a kind review! 


Optional Theme:  Wood Sorrel for Joy


It was definitely more difficult than most rpg's my friends and I played, but not in a bad way. We had a great time playing one of the scenarios the other night! I specifically loved how it played with what each character thought of the others. The pdf's are all super easy to read and understand + those summary pages for players are the best. The difficult part just comes when it seems more like improv acting than simple roleplaying, so I would only play this game with groups who I know are very familar with ttrpg's. Good stuff!