Hello all and welcome to the jam!
We here at Neophyte Studios and Southern Illinois University's Digital Xpressions Lab have been looking forward to hosting another game jam for quite some time. Our Narrative Game Jams provide an incredible opportunity for SIU"s creative writing graduate students to lend their workshop expertise to your submissions. We plan to stream live critique of as many of our entrants as possible over on our Twitch and you can catch all of our past Narrative Game Jam streams over on our YouTube.
We wish you all the best of luck in the voting process and encourage every one of our creators to invite whoever they can to join the jam and participate in the voting period. We'd also like to remind all of our creators to join our Discord to stay in touch with Neophyte Studio's international audience of academics, creators, writers, and game designers!
Those that follow Neophyte Studios will be sure to see a burst of activity these coming months, so stay posted and enjoy!
-Matthew Gordon
Graduate Director - SIU's Digital Xpressions Lab