Nice art style.
I actually like that there are two ingredients that look alike; keeps you on your toes! I see many people didn't enjoy that, so maybe differentiate them a little more. But keep them kinda similar!
Like everyone said, it would be good if there was more time to read the ingredients list before starting. I'm not sure adding a "read ingredients and press key to start" popup is a good idea, as it would make it too easy. But perhaps showing the ingredients in the center of the screen for a couple seconds with a beeping countdown and then moving them to the top and starting automatically.
EDIT: to add to the previous paragraph: It took me about 4 Game Overs to realise that there were certain ingredients I had to avoid. Because my eyes hadn't had time to read the top of the screen; the game had started immediately. That's another reason why I think centering the ingredients for a few seconds would be better.
I didn't like how much inertia the hand has, felt too slidey for me...
I liked the additional pizza-packing screen that allows me to add a more bonus points to my score the closer I hit the center of the box.
I really liked the music tracks!
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