I had an idea where the reader might see what day it was, e.g. a header switches from Day 1 to Day 2 up to Day 6.
Now "Day" is 1 word, but 1-6 could technically be 0 words, 1 word (there is always a number) or 6 words because 1-6 could all be used.
I have a similar question for if the days have high and low temperatures. How many words would that count as? e.g. High (60-90) Low (40-70). My *guess* is that this would be 6 words but (High, Low, 4 numbers) but the high-low range could be 51 (40..90) in this case.
(Note that each number is 1 word could be abused in the case of, say, writing out a number like 09000308050120. But I imagine there are some conventions.)