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DAAD Ready iffy graphics conversion

A topic by sunteam created Jun 22, 2020 Views: 382 Replies: 17
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I'm having minor having issues with DAAD Ready's convesion of images onto the Next. It seems to generate stray coloured pixels where there shouldn't be any, and also sometimes doesn't honour my palette choices, making some of the graphics look 'off'.

I'm guessing there's not much that can be done about this?


I think I read somewhere that Next's color palette was fixed. Check that your colors are compatible with the Next palette.


They are, the Next uses a palette of 256 from a total 512 available. I wonder if the converter was made from the old palette which was different before release.


Can you give me a source image that is aligned to the next palette to test with?




Host (1 edit)

The way that this works is that Adventuron takes the image, allocates each new RGB combination to a palette slot. It uses up to 255 slots for 255 different colours (the next needs one colour for transparency).

After it runs out of 255 colours then colours are matched to the closes existing palette colour. That algorithm is pretty basic, and most people won't have to worry about running out of 255 colours in pixel art graphics.

From there, Adventuron converts the images to PCX image files (supports up to 256 colours palettized). There is no colour conversion during the PNG to PCX conversion (assuming < 256 colours). 

DAAD Ready then uses a tool called "SC2DAAD" to convert the PCX file format to NXT file format. I assume that's where the mapping error is occurring. If there is a concrete example of the graphics being badly paletted then I'm sure Uto can take a look. 


Host (2 edits)

Tentatively good news.

I spoke to Uto.

He built his converter on the old ZX Next specs (with only 4 shades of blue).

I told him that you informed me that 9-bit colour is now available on the Next (max 256 out of 512 as you said).

It appears the export from adventuron doesn't require any changes (because I left palette allocation to the SC2DAAD utility which is part of DAAD Ready).

Anyway, Uto told me to say  "tell him I found he is right, and I'm working on it".

Huge (huge) thank you to Uto for DAAD Ready / Maluva / SC2DAAD and the DRC compiler. 

Fingers crossed.

Host (2 edits)

Huge thank you to Uto - who has released a patch (for Maluva and SC2DAAD) at lightning speed. The patch allows full access to all 512 colours of the next (the previous version was limited to 256 colours, with colours that were shades of blue mostly suffering).

An Adventuron update (to beta 36) is also required in order to fix the "stray pixel" mapping bug .

Adventuron's patch tries to deal with several issues. It's actually quite a lot of (untested) changes, so the update must be accessed via a different url (see step 5) in order to make sure I don't kill Adventuron before I go to bed (2am here, 6pm European time).

Assuming you are on windows, you'll need to do the following:

  1. Back up your game sourcecode into a file somewhere.
  2. Back up your DAAD Ready Folder (in case you have to roll back). (COPY PASTE IT, OR ZIP IT UP, AND STORE SOMEWHERE).
  3. Download
  4. Unzip the contents of the zipfile  into  <<DAADREADYFOLDER>>/TOOLS/MALUVA    ... you'll have to overwrite two files.
  5. Re-export from Adventuron's beta version  ( ), then re-export and follow the normal procedure.
Submitted (2 edits)

The beta is throwing up an 8-bit compatibility error now on any 'create' or 'destroy' event in the code

Host (1 edit)

Please refresh (press F5).


Right, so far the graphics look like they are correct now.

However, after a compile on the Next, scenery does not appear in locations (it works on the browser beforehand).


Life on the bleeding edge. Give me an hour


Press F5 again please.


Did that, the Export to DAAD option is gone now O_o


You have to save it once before the option to export to DAAD appears (separate issue that's been around since the start of the jam).


Hooray! Everything *seems* to be working now. I'll get the testers on it and let you know if there are any more issues.


The early bird catches the worm with playtesting.