Huge thank you to Uto - who has released a patch (for Maluva and SC2DAAD) at lightning speed. The patch allows full access to all 512 colours of the next (the previous version was limited to 256 colours, with colours that were shades of blue mostly suffering).
An Adventuron update (to beta 36) is also required in order to fix the "stray pixel" mapping bug .
Adventuron's patch tries to deal with several issues. It's actually quite a lot of (untested) changes, so the update must be accessed via a different url (see step 5) in order to make sure I don't kill Adventuron before I go to bed (2am here, 6pm European time).
Assuming you are on windows, you'll need to do the following:
- Back up your game sourcecode into a file somewhere.
- Back up your DAAD Ready Folder (in case you have to roll back). (COPY PASTE IT, OR ZIP IT UP, AND STORE SOMEWHERE).
- Download
- Unzip the contents of the zipfile into <<DAADREADYFOLDER>>/TOOLS/MALUVA ... you'll have to overwrite two files.
- Re-export from Adventuron's beta version ( ), then re-export and follow the normal procedure.