Beta 44 of Adventuron has been released.
- Fixes for the software keyboard bouncing up and down on mobile.
- More screenspace on mobile when printing out larger bodies of text (software keyboard will disappear) whilst the prompt is gone.
- (for non 8-bit users), the add_choice, or ask_boolean functions now re-iterate the question every time the player types in an invalid answer to a question.
- The 'stagger' command has been renamed to print_stagger.
- If jingles are used, then Adventuron will ask for sound permission (this already happened for beeps, sfx, and keyboard clicks, but not jingles).
- Bamburgh font is 6% larger on mobile (by default).
- Mobile responsiveness is increased (parser delay disabled on mobile temporarily).
It's a bit close to the wire, so if there are any breaking changes that have crept in, then I'll clearly add a grace period to the jam. The reason for this last minute release is noticing the regression in the mobile mode. Anyone playing jam games in mobile mode would clearly be infuriated by the bouncing keyboard, so I decided it was the lesser of two evils to make a last minute change.