Adventuron Beta 55a.
With redescribe = auto_beta, and is_at "" inside on_tick {}: I've got an extra key press.
> n
>(key press)
>(key press)
start_at = loc1
redescribe = auto_beta booleans {
is_001 : boolean;
} locations {
loc1 : location "You are in room 1." ;
loc2 : location "You are in room 2." ;
connections {
from, direction, to = [
loc1, north, loc2, ]
} on_tick {
: if (is_at "loc2" && is_001 == false) {
: set_true "is_001" ;
: clear_screen;
: print "Welcome to room 2 for the first time!" ;
: press_any_key ;
: redescribe ;