Just about ready to submit now with just under four hours to spare - whew! I'm glad we had the extra time in the end because I ran into a couple of last-minute Spectrum conversion issues that I had to find workarounds for. All versions of my game are okay and submittable now, so this isn't urgent, but I've just got a couple of reports about things that worked fine in the Adventuron version but not in the Spectrum conversion:
Issue 1
start_at = my_location locations { my_location : location "You are in a room." ; } connections { from, direction, to = [ ] } objects { inner : scenery "an inner thing" at = "my_location"; outer : scenery "an outer thing" ; } on_command { ## Example 1 - this works in Adventuron but doesn't work in 8-bit - "examine inner" gives no response : if_examine "inner" { : if (!outer_unlocked || is_present "outer") { : print "An inner thing, inside an outer thing." ; : if (has_not_created "outer") { : create "outer" ; : press_any_key ; : redescribe; } : done ; } : if (outer_unlocked && !is_present "outer") { : print "An inner thing." ; : done ; } } ## Example 2 - this works in 8-bit : if_examine "inner" { : if (!outer_unlocked) { : print "An inner thing, inside an outer thing." ; : if (has_not_created "outer") { : create "outer" ; : press_any_key ; : redescribe ; } : done ; } : if (is_present "outer") { : print "An inner thing, inside an outer thing." ; : done ; } : if (outer_unlocked && !is_present "outer") { : print "An inner thing." ; : done ; } } : match "unlock _" { : if (is_beside "outer") { : print "You unlock the outer thing and throw it away." ; : set_true "outer_unlocked" ; : done ; } } } booleans { outer_unlocked : boolean default = "false" ; }Issue 2
start_at = my_location locations { my_location : location "You are in a room." ;As I say, not urgent, just flagging it up.
} connections { from, direction, to = [
} objects {
} # This works fine in Adventuron, but in 8-bit it doesn't seem to recognise the wildcards and just goes # with the "dance *" response even if you type "dance" as one word on_command {
: match "dance *" {
: print "You dance wildly, or carefully, or whatever." ;
: done ;
: match "dance -" {
: print "You just dance." ;
: done ;