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question on theme

A topic by Awkwardstudios created Mar 04, 2024 Views: 57 Replies: 3
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few days late to seeing the jam but thought it sounded interesting, was wondering on how far we can reimagine something, or how closely does it have to resemble it's inspiration, I'm not well versed with ninja games from the 80's so it would be a bit harder to match something for me I feel.


You can push as much or as little as you like. Usually it's just similarities like the art style or view angle, setting etc. 20% to 80% similar I think works. 20% being you have very little the same.  Hope this helps! 

Yes thank you I was looking at some and felt I might be able to pull some inspiration from them, specifically was drawn to legend of Kage and thought I could do something in a similar tone but with potentially improved gameplay mechanics and updated graphics


Great choice!!