Nice game, had a lot of fun with it, strongly humoristic and that's good, might be sometimes difficult to distinguish chickens form walls but after playing for 5 minutes you get used to it and it's just straight fun from here !!
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Cool little game. Roasting chickens was hilarious
While I think the 3D effect is very cool, I think the chickens were a little too unreadable sometimes since they basically blended into the walls. It was also a little annoying that they were really only visible when viewed up close.
Still, I love how you really stuck to making a game with the exact resolution and feel of a nokia. While I feel the game's readability could've improved if you upscaled the game, what's here is still pretty cool. Solid job on this
I liked the game, the graphics, theme and mechanics were very good. I will definitely return to the game later with more calm
It looks cool - what I could make out :) Unfortunately It's just too small for my eyes, even fullscreen
The presentation of the phone UI is really cool, but makes playing the game pretty terrible. On a 16:9 monitor, the game screen takes up about 1/25 of my monitor. The game feels pretty simple - is there a way to win? Some kickass music would go a long way to making it more fun, possibly weapon pickups. Wolf3D and Doom are masterclasses in what makes an FPS fun.
Good work.
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