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A member registered Aug 22, 2020 · View creator page →

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Cool little jumping game. I really like the grinding animation. Could use some sound.

I downloaded what appears to be your source. What do I use to build it?

A very cool little dungeon crawler. Hunger is incredibly unforgiving. If my dude doesn't eat a burger a day, he crumbles into dust!

This game is great! Lots of cool little touches to the art.

Very cool little rhythm game. I like the animations. 

The battle system is programmed to have a 3 pixel window. I think it slightly favors pressing early rather than late. I wish I could go back and reduce the difficulty so people could see more of the game.


Yes, I think I should have included a difficulty slider. As I playtested, I was getting more and more comfortable with the timings, to the point it felt pretty easy - but that's of course not fair to new players.

Thanks man!

Great point, with all my playtesting, I think I got pretty good at the timings and didn't account for new players.

(1 edit)

Pretty dark subject matter. I like the evolution of game modes. Does the game just end when they mob you? I stopped being able to move, but didn't get a kill screen. Moving the truck feels very smooth with the camera transition. Music would have been nice.

It is so hard to tell what's going on. Perhaps thats the pixel limit, but there's gotta be a better way to convey distance to the player. The phone system is a little odd, why not just let the player enter numbers with the numpad? I like the chainsaw animation.

Spamming punches wins game. The music was WAY too loud, clipping my headphones.

Very cool, The loading screen is a cute touch. It certainly feels like something that could have been on the 3310. The leaderboard system is very cool. Some music would be nice.

This is a cool little tetris-like! Spelling 4 letter words is a little tough. The slight gap between pixels is effective to sell the 90s LCD look. Music would go a long way, even if you used the classic Tetris theme. The hard lock to the glyph grid is a bit jarring, it would look much nicer if you animated each step of 8 pixels. 8 pixels is also pretty large on such a tiny screen, You could probably get away with 6 using a 5-pixel high font - that would give you a much taller chute to drop glyphs. Very cool.

The presentation of the phone UI is really cool, but makes playing the game pretty terrible. On a 16:9 monitor, the game screen takes up about 1/25 of my monitor. The game feels pretty simple - is there a way to win? Some kickass music would go a long way to making it more fun, possibly weapon pickups. Wolf3D and Doom are masterclasses in what makes an FPS fun.

Good work.

A cute little adventure game. The art and music are very effective, but there isn't much game. Well done.

This is great. Music does a good job of making this feel adventurous. The art looks great, although some of the icons are a little hard to read. I didn't seem to get shopkeeper's enough to heal up so I kept dying.

(1 edit)

I like the animations (eyebrow twitch is great) and that it saves after every level. You should allow the player to skip text scrolls, I had to repeat some levels 4-5 times and reading it each time got a little annoying. I'm not really sure what this has to do with grinding, but it's still fun.


I like the ending implication that you become the bouncy queen

The sideways music scroll feels very uncomfortable for me. I guess I'm used to guitar hero. I beat both levels by spamming the strum bar (turns out you can win by holding all three buttons and spamming strum). I'm not  sure what this has to do with grinding. You are using more than 2 colors with your text, next time turn off anti-aliasing. The intro text-scroll is also a little too fast to read at that size text.

Cool start.

A fun little fishing game. The slowdown mechanic builds a lot of tension. There doesn't seem to be a way to win. I got 405 points before I decided to stop.

Very nice otherwise.

There really isn't much game here. You also don't stick to the resolution (You're clearly rendering subpixels).

Its kinda hard to tell what you're supposed to do - maybe I just don't understand the emotes very well. I also don't see how this relates to grinding.

This is very cool. The chromatic aberration and brightness are a bit high, but the overall look is nice. Movement is snappy, though combat is a little slow. Your weapons animate, which is more than a lot of games in this jam. Crafting is a little uninspired, almost like it was something to check off a list. I dig the roguelike pro-gen dungeon, but it didn't really feel like I was going anywhere - just endlessly searching for exits (I guess that's the point of an infinite dungeon). Does your game have a win state? I think that might be required. Nice work.

The movement sfx is kinda wild, it sounds like a drum beat. Sadly, you have to keep hammering on the movement key to keep it going. Making players do a quiz whenever they interact with a portrait is some real lovecraftian horror. I like the artwork and models. Combat is a bit boring, just another quiz if you have the key. Overall, looks nice and plays okay.

This game feels pretty good. I like the environmental storytelling much better than the big walls of text. Movement is smooth. The overworld is a bit crude. It could be vastly improved by just adding a few jpegs to the background and a little topography. Music is atmospheric. Models and textures look pretty good, but I did see some inconsistency is texture quality which is a bit jarring. Picking a texture resolution and sticking to it would help a lot.  Well done.

This is fantastic. The art looks great and fits together. The controls are smooth (Although I would prefer to swap QE/AD). Music is atmospheric. There are such nice little touches, like outlining when hovering over someone. The systems seem well implemented. Couple UI things: It would be nice if you could just drop an item on the character you want to hold it, rather than having to go into their inventory. It would also be nice if when you press ESC all the open windows close. It looks like you wrote this engine yourself, which is nuts. I am amazed. It would be nice if the UI showed how long you have to wait for a character to act, like an ATB bar or something. Really a phenomenal entry.

I love the polish on this. Combat feels great. Music and art feel cohesive. The billboard sprites are sometimes annoying to read. I would love if people implemented a toggle to swap QE/AD for turn/strafe.

Controls feel great. I love that you can dig through almost anything. Combat feels fine. The models are a bit crude but they work. I love that you have voice acting for running commentary. Nice work.

Movement is way too slow and it's irritating to have to keep hammering on the key to move forward. Combat also feels very slow. There's no feedback to know I'm damaging the goblins. Models look good, but are clearly not bespoke - the styles also clash. The text boxes are jarring when everything else is so rendered; maybe use a texture instead of white and something other than plain san serif font? I seem to have encountered a glitch after talking to the girl where no other actors were active.

(2 edits)

Voice acting! In a game jam!? Everything looks so polished. The textures looks like you ripped them right out of Eye of the Beholder. There's a little bug where you can move onto the same square as an enemy (I have the same bug). I couldn't find the exit out of the 2nd level and I couldn't go more insane as directed because I had already killed all the enemies. The minimap is great, one improvement would be if it filled in spaced you could already see instead of just the ones you walked on. Please make a clear way to quit the game. I hate having to use task manager to exit when it forces full screen. Otherwise, great job.

What a rad game. The presentation is great. Combat feels a bit slow as you wait for enemies to animate, but it works well. There is good software out there to make your textures seamlessly tile better - GIMP has a script built in.

Looks and sounds great. The spellcrafting mechanic is very cool. Movement is very irritating because I have to keep hammering on a key to move - this is made worse because all the rooms a huge.

This game is very cute. The art looks good and the music is very upbeat and fun to have in the background. It seems like you have a lot more planned than is currently shown. It's kind of a bummer to have all the chests empty. Don't really see a cosmic enemy anywhere.

The combat system is a nice mechanic. It's pretty easy to get lost in the maze, the map helps a lot. Searching for 10 enemies to kill feels a bit uninspired. Sound design and artwork are a bit simple.

Great 80s CRPG aesthetic. I'm not sure I really like the auto-battle system, but it's fine. Good sound and music

Monochromatic is a cool look, but you probably need to use some dithering, it creates shapes that are a bit too abstract to read. Turning is very slow for a game like this. 

Very nice atmosphere. The artwork looks great for low res. Some of the meshes will intersect the camera if you turn next to them. Well done.

Thanks, that was the hint I needed to get to the end. I will repeat, this is a fantastic entry. It's a little short and the combat is pretty simple, but the overall effect is great. The art style reminds me of games like Wolfenstein: Blade of Agony. There's so much detail crammed into those pixels.

This is a neat idea. I like the need to swing wildly to find a target in the dark, then keep tracking them.