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Object Head FAQ! Sticky

A topic by thugzilla created Jul 06, 2021 Views: 548 Replies: 2
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HostSubmitted (10 edits) (+1)

Have any questions about the jam? Let us know here!

Q: If I have an object head character who isn't an object head all the time, is it still allowed?

A: As long as the story focuses on the concept of object heads, then yes! Do not show a character with an object head in one scene and never be brought up again, the characters and their object heads must play an active role in driving the story.

Q: What is and isn't considered an object head? Skeletons? Robots? Siren Head?

A: This is a difficult question to answer, due to how broad the category of object heads can be. Even though the rules state that the character must have a non-human head and humanoid body, we encourage you to be creative in your design. Admins may review submissions and will use their best judgment to determine if the character is an object head or not.

Q: Then what about anthro? 

A: There is no reason for it to be disbarred as long as everything besides the head remains humanoid. For example, an anthropomorphic needle that looks mostly human but has pointy ends in place of hands or feet would be allowed while a sentient needle whose entire body and head consists of the inanimate object (E.g., the brooms from The Sorcerer's Apprentice) would not.

The broom is more inanimate than humanoid.

Q: Are submissions to other jams allowed?
 A: Of course!

Q: What about characters wearing masks to appear like an object head or their head *is* a mask?

A: Same as the first question! If these characters have masks to resemble an object head, the masks must play an important role in the story. If their head is a mask, that's already an object head!

Human? What human? He looks like an object head to me! Manson from Object Ward.

Does the game have to be pretty polished? I don't know how much time I'll have for pretty game assets but I can get them at least all sketched out.


The game does not have to be polished! The purpose of game jams are to give you a time crunch and motivation to create a game. No one is expected to create the visual novel of the decade, just do the best that you can, because every submitter is a winner 馃檶

But I do know of some games that update after the jam period has ended, so if you do, just let the reader know in the game page :)