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Results Page 2

47 entries were submitted between 2023-08-25 19:00:00 and 2023-09-03 19:00:00. 510 ratings were given to 45 entries (95.7%) between 2023-09-03 19:00:00 and 2023-09-29 21:00:00. The average number of ratings per game was 10.9 and the median was 12.


by iCiaran

Ranked 23rd in Originality (score low for unoriginal, high for original ideas) with 13 ratings (Score: 3.538)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Adherence (score low for poor theme implementation, high for sticking to theme)#74.6924.692
Legitimacy (score low for jam-spam, high for authentic "in the spirit" entry)#104.6154.615
Impression (score low for unimpressive, high for impressive)#213.3853.385
Originality (score low for unoriginal, high for original ideas)#233.5383.538


by papanurga

Ranked 30th in Originality (score low for unoriginal, high for original ideas) with 10 ratings (Score: 3.195)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Impression (score low for unimpressive, high for impressive)#103.7434.100
Adherence (score low for poor theme implementation, high for sticking to theme)#164.3824.800
Legitimacy (score low for jam-spam, high for authentic "in the spirit" entry)#224.2904.700
Originality (score low for unoriginal, high for original ideas)#303.1953.500


by elessar108

Ranked 31st in Originality (score low for unoriginal, high for original ideas) with 12 ratings (Score: 3.167)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Impression (score low for unimpressive, high for impressive)#233.3333.333
Originality (score low for unoriginal, high for original ideas)#313.1673.167
Legitimacy (score low for jam-spam, high for authentic "in the spirit" entry)#363.5003.500
Adherence (score low for poor theme implementation, high for sticking to theme)#422.6672.667


by oroosvall

Ranked 32nd in Originality (score low for unoriginal, high for original ideas) with 11 ratings (Score: 3.046)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Adherence (score low for poor theme implementation, high for sticking to theme)#134.4394.636
Legitimacy (score low for jam-spam, high for authentic "in the spirit" entry)#184.5264.727
Originality (score low for unoriginal, high for original ideas)#323.0463.182
Impression (score low for unimpressive, high for impressive)#352.6982.818


by yariplus

Ranked 34th in Originality (score low for unoriginal, high for original ideas) with 9 ratings (Score: 2.887)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Impression (score low for unimpressive, high for impressive)#322.8873.333
Legitimacy (score low for jam-spam, high for authentic "in the spirit" entry)#343.6574.222
Originality (score low for unoriginal, high for original ideas)#342.8873.333
Adherence (score low for poor theme implementation, high for sticking to theme)#382.7913.222