This is so neat! I love the idea of the hares devlivering mail - i’ll never look at hares the same haha
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Harelooms's pageComments
You did SUCH a good job with this, Ronnie! I love the visual style as well as the color in this setting (the idea of hares delivering mail is SO cute). You went 110% with this one for sure. I had a total blast making a character from nothing and learning about them (and their backstory) over the course of play. I also think it's really cute that you left space at the end for people to take notes/braistorm ideas~!
Overall this is a very good, delightful journaling game. I'm so proud of you, friend 💖
The landing page for this looks great! This game is an interesting way of looking at death.
I how this game really focuses on the connecting the player with the fictional person they're creating as they observe. And you may say, "Brite, isn't that every RPG?" and to an extent that's true. But this is one of the ones where you don't necessarily have control over who they are to the Nth degree. As you learn about them they'll take on their own personality. So it also becomes great for character study in general in an area that most people don't delve DEEPLY into. When we make OCs or explore characters the last thing most of us focus on is how they deal with emotional loss and material gain on this level.
I like that you note not to take this as a hard and fast get-it-done writing prompt but a slower paced journaling experience. It signals a tone to the player.
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