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Thank you very much! I appreciate you saying so.

That's fun that the barcode mechanic is bringing up those old school passcode vibes. Thank you very much!

Thank you very much! This is all lovely feedback and I'm so glad to hear that a fan of Quantum Leap likes the game.

This is game has a fun, straightforward system and the art and layout are absolutely charming!

That's so nice of you to say. Thank you very much!

This is a sweet, little game. The 'bag version' is a fun idea. Congratulations!

Congratulations on the game! The details in the tables on the back page are great. I especially love ideas like "

A chlorine rich planet covered in acidic lakes and complex flora."

This might be my favorite game of the jam so far. What a brilliant way to generate worlds, characters, and adventures. I also absolutely adore the idea of flipping through a books pages to generate the equivalent of a die roll. Excellent, beautiful work!

Congratulations on the game! I like the creative use of a deck of cards.

You managed to fit an impressive amount of content into this game. I really like the attention to detail in terms of the different mechanics and the optional walkthrough is really helpful. Nice work!

Wow! You managed to fit an amazing amount of detail into this game. The layout and design does a nice job of evoking the sci-fi themes and the tables on the back of the page are great!

What a thoroughly charming game! The theme is delightfully different from a lot of the other submissions I've seen in the jam. I also appreciate the clean, clear layout. Congratulations!

This is a delightfully ridiculous game. Congratulations!

If it's helpful, I noticed a small typo -- under "Setup" the last "l" in "roll" is accidentally bolded in "1. Roll 1D12 for Name".

The layout is fantastic and the game has a lot of atmosphere. Excellent work!

Congratulations on the game! Redaction as a game mechanic is such a fun idea and the layout and design work looks great. Excellent job!

Thank you very much! I'm glad you enjoyed reading through it and liked the barcode concept.

This is such a phenomenally generous piece of feedback. I'm in awe of the amount of creativity I've seen so far in this year's entries, so for you to say that Reality Code Jumper has one of the most unique mechanics in the jam is a real honor. Thank you so much!

Thank you! I really appreciate the generous feedback. 

Thank you very much! Hopefully people have fun with it.

The layout and design for this game is great and the whole game has such a unique point of view compared to the other games in the jam. Congratulations!

The design for this game is great and I really enjoy the quotes sprinkled throughout to set the tone. Nice work!

Congratulations on the game! The table on the back page provides some fun details to use to generate space marines.

Excellent work here! The game looks great and it's absolutely dripping with tone and atmosphere.  You really crushed this. Congratulations!

That's so nice of you to say. Thank you very much!

No big surprise here, but this game is great. It looks gorgeous, the theming is super fun (I love a good Screwtape Letter homage), and it plays very cleanly. I also love the idea of a demon being on a PIP. Excellent work!

This is a fun, straight-forward, goblin-filled game. I like the use of the special locations to keep things interesting while you're exploring the map.

There are some big ideas in this game and the black and white art on the back page is great. Congratulations!

The name and visual design for this game are thoroughly charming. This could easily be used to build a town for a larger TTRPG campaign. Nice work!

What a delightfully high-concept game! This is definitely one of the more unique entries I've seen in the jam. Congrats!

Congratulations on your dungeon crawler! I really like the use of tags for the adventurers.

There is a lot of charm, lore, and flavor baked into this one-page RPG. You can really feel the world and tone throughout all of the details in this game. Excellent work!

Thanks for playing the game and for the very generous feedback. It's so nice to hear from people like you who are enjoying the game both as a player and a GM. 

Thank you so much for saying so. I'm definitely not a graphic designer, but that was what I was going for with the layout, so it's really nice to hear that it landed with you. Thanks for your kind words and support!

Congratulations on the game! I really like the sword upgrading component.  Oh, and Shatter Frame seems incredibly difficult to defeat!

This is a remarkably charming game! It looks great, the instructions are clear, there's a delightful amount of whimsy, and I also think it's delightful that it comes with its own Spotify playlist. Nicely done!

The landing page for this looks great! This game is an interesting way of looking at death.

Thank you very much. Yes, while UPC barcodes are probably the most popular in places like the United States, there are other types of barcodes out there. For example, books most frequently have ISBN barcodes, which are made up of more numbers and some specialty stores, like Trader Joe's, have their own specialty barcode formats, which have fewer numbers.

Thanks so much for saying so. I hope people have fun with it!

This is such an elegant, fun, quirky game. It looks great, it's got an excellent hook (using actual rocks), and the worldbuilding aspect is really engaging. Excellent work!

Got it. Thanks!