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My game's not a virus but Windows think it is!

A topic by xPheRe created Oct 09, 2018 Views: 218 Replies: 2
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Hi there! Posted my game SpaMail just in time for the jam, exciting days!

Unfortunately, my game is detected by Windows 10 as a virus and will ask you for permisions on execution.

Worry not, maybe it has the word SPAM all over it, but it's not a virus.

Anybody had the same problem?? Thanks!

Also thanks to @ThisIsOficial who made me aware of this problem.

Here's what Karspersky thinks about the file:

Jam Host

Yeah I think it's the word SPAM that is triggering Anti-virus.  I've just been clicking "run anyway"  


Thanks, if that's ok and helps other people playing, I've uploaded an HTML version of the game, this will mitigate the virus problem.