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Can i add another build for linux during the voting fase?

A topic by official created Oct 13, 2018 Views: 238 Replies: 2
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I only got 3 karma stars, and i know why. I was thinking on doing the linux build since the start, but since i didnt have it on my version of unity, i had to re-download the whole engine. Now im able to build i for linux ..but, i am kind of worried this will be considered cheating and then get de-qualified. so, is it ok if i add a late linux build? It is the same as all the other builds on the page rn, its just for linux.

Jam Host

Hey!  You already have a star for your web build.  You get a 1 star if your game runs on linux or web because they are open platforms.  but you don't get two stars if you have a linux and web build,  it's just 1 star for an open platform, and you already got it for web.


Ah! Gotcha. Torta get ready for Next tear then. Thanks ;)