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A member registered Aug 09, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thanks, hopefully the post jam upload shows a little bit more of my vision. :D

The way the bots are programmed is faulty, so anytime they get to the last block of the current level they will freezer until an interger overflow happens, twice, which usually takes around 2 or 3 minutes.

There is no way to avoid it and the game is pretty much unplayablein this state.

Though i already fixed it and added a couple of new things. Hoping to send it post jam :D

The guards never distracted for me, and the rendering look kinda funky on my machine. Still a fun concept

A tricky puzzler! Could be expanded for a mobile release someday. altought they voice acting was a bit funny, perhaps some editing could've made it hit harder.

Still incredibly sharp, polished and most of all, finished!


I had an idea similar to this, but with a totally different execution. Fun game overall. The music is spot on and the rhythm part with the mouse came as a surprise. GG!

Snappy controls, might need a little bit of easing between positions.

Incredibly polished and great sound effects. I did chuckle a bunch while playing it.

What a fun game. It such a weird concept and somehow you made it work seamlesly. It is rather tricky to get th ehang of it, but evetually I did. Much fun :D

A space game in my game jam? I like this idea a whole lot than I first thought.

The only issue i had was the fixed camera making it hard to look for asteroids, I had to guess most of the time. And the gravitational fields suddently changing making me fly out into space.

Overall, pretty good for 96 hours.

I wasn´t expecting this to be a really good puzzler. But it was. A bit confusing bt intuitive. Well done!

Sadly it doesnt work on my browser :/

Oh...I...didnt know that...this is so helpful, thanks!

WHAT?? You can get free unity premium?
Gosh, I wished my school had tha program.

Anyways, hope to test out the V2 once it comes out!

Hey, dunno if you have seen this. But hope it helps!

This guy made portals, of course this are pretty demanding portal,s but maybe they will be of some use for you.

Seems you forgot to put the rest of your files. A shame... next time, compress the entire forlder and upload that


Geez, I need a second with this one. It so trippy, almost webcore like. How the "girlfriend" looks is so creepy. At first i tought this was some sort of horror game.

But the light heartness of the gameplay took me by surprise. Its so simple and clever! Its not expandable, but its nice. It achieves what it sets out to do, and that something for a 48 hour jam game.

Just a few issues with how its impossible to loose, so you have to reset yourself if you used one of the correct parts. And sometimes the objects would clip and join by accident, leaving me to restart.

OVerall, good, 3.75/5. Its...nice?, simple and compact, good job team!

"Thing"...the game page calls it your girlfriend lmao!

Wow, Im pleasently surprised by this concept. It was hard to grasp at first since there is no tutorial, but after I looked at it, it clicked and it suddently made sense!

With a bit of tweaking, you could turn this into a real nice puzzle platformer, with mechanisms and other fun stuff!

The openess of the first level is nice, having to ways of compleating it tells me there might have been plans to feature multiple ending depending on weather you slip with your partner or not. I like to think that was it.

I have two issues with this: 1.- The jump sucks. I simply dont like holding to jump, I think it would be better if when you pressed it, it sent you jumping, and tghe longer you holded the button, the more you would jump. At least the should be how it works while you are splitted.

And the other issue I had was with the physics of the boxes, moving them was a whole ordeal and sometimes I would get stuck on them or in between them.

Overall, Its pretty good, it fits the theme well and I loved how the music splits into two melodies. I just wished the black and white melody were almost identical in the number of instruments. The black one feels sad and lonly, while the white one feels inspiring and joined. 4/5, keep up thje good work!

This is genuinly good. Its not perfect, but the comedy is gold here. Its almost magical.

Altough, the clocks are kinda bull. If they float near the ceiling, it makes them hard to see. Maybe this game would benefit for something like a toon shader, with the outline on each model.

Other than that, good job. This is on par with inch by inch, where its a game, wich is well defined and well executed.

5/5 from me.

PS. Please make another version, with a bit more sound. Perhaps take inspiration in something like The Stanley Parable.

I forgot to mention the art, its so cute. Little hairy monsters shooting eachother with finger guns, cute.

Kudos to the artist!

What a delightful little prototype. I've seen a bunch of multiplayer based ones in th is jam, and this one is probably one of the most intereting ones.

Too bad its only an early prototype.

You better release a full demo of this, you can have all my simellions, I dont care, I want it, and I want to play it forever,

On a serious note, good job! It was amusing to move around in the level. So overall, I will give you a 3/5. The idea is too clever to simply put it as a 2/5 as I usually do with prototypes.

Keep working on this, It can become something real fun, I can feel it.

Nice  game, even for an asset flipper. This is really nice and mechanically sane. I just have a bit of a problem with the level desing, since you CAN and WILL get stuck at some parts. You can also exploit the mechanics to break the level.

Overall, I see this as a nice little confined experience. You could make a full puzzleler out of this, but as it stands right now, its very good.

3/5, since you didnt make most of it yourself. Maybe work some more on making the progressing a bit mor obvious, the begening was abovious, but after the second link with the dash, it was downhill.

Disculpa jsjs, es que hice el diseño increiblemente rapido, me quedaba poco tiempo par aentregar. 

Pero el juego es lo importante, la pagina luego la actualizo

Hi. Hello. It me, official. Im commenting here so that everyone that plays this can know how to solve each puzzle:

1.- Just walk up to the button

2.- You can use your head to bite down on one of the flags, and then move onto the next one.  To make it more easier: Press E to pick up your head and then move it infront of the pole, a Promt should apper and you will be able to anchor down.

3.- You should be able to drop your head and make the npcs down there follow it to the button. If the dont do it, you can jump down and press it yourself. There a teleporter on the bottom corner of the room, which is really hard to use, but with enough luck you should be able to teleport up.

4.- Make the npcs follow you to the button, just like the last one, if they are unable to do it, you can jump down and use the teleporter to get back up.

5.- Anchor to one of the corner flags and move your body so that the neck touches another flag and the body touches the last one.

6.- Use the teleporter to get inside the room and do the same (This one requieres luck, sometimes you wil get stuck on the door, and its almost impossible to break free)

7.- In the last room, there was a fourth flag, touch it and the door should open.

Beyond that last door theres nothing.

All this is subject to change during the next release. Be sure to play it!

This was officially official, and thank you for playing!

Hi. Hello. It me, official. Im commenting here so that everyone that plays this can know how to solve each puzzle:

1.- Just walk up to the button

2.- You can use your head to bite down on one of the flags, and then move onto the next one.  To make it more easier: Press E to pick up your head and then move it infront of the pole, a Promt should apper and you will be able to anchor down.

3.- You should be able to drop your head and make the npcs down there follow it to the button. If the dont do it, you can jump down and press it yourself. There a teleporter on the bottom corner of the room, which is really hard to use, but with enough luck you should be able to teleport up.

4.- Make the npcs follow you to the button, just like the last one, if they are unable to do it, you can jump down and use the teleporter to get back up.

5.- Anchor to one of the corner flags and move your body so that the neck touches another flag and the body touches the last one.

6.- Use the teleporter to get inside the room and do the same (This one requieres luck, sometimes you wil get stuck on the door, and its almost impossible to break free)

7.- In the last room, there was a fourth flag, touch it and the door should open.

Beyond that last door theres nothing.

All this is subject to change during the next release. Be sure to play it!

This was officially official, and thank you for playing!

Good job! This is really really good!

I liked the conmcept of it, It has some potential as a mobile game. I would play it for sure!

The music was a bit annoying, dont feel bad about it, its hard to make good music in 48 hours.

The mechanics were clear and clever, and even if there werent that many in this version, you can come back with a v2 after the rating phase is over. Bringing in more mechanics and expandidng upon existing ones.

Overall I'd say you did really really good for a first jam game. Even better than I did. 4/5

This is okay. I liked the idea at first, but the execution was a bit lacking.

The entire thing about snake is that it moves on its own. But I later realised that you made this way so you could wait on the switch timer so that the other head didnt run out of body. Thats clever, but counterintuitive.

The artstyle is really good, and I notieced that this is a Unity  Premium game, which is something you dont see much in jam games apart from large teams.

A v2 should focus on explaining the concept of this. And maybe you should turn it into a puzzler somehow, since it's kinda hard seeing it as an arcade game.

Overall, I would say 3/5, its good, and fits the theme, but can be improved in so many ways.

This game, is kind of underwelming to be honest.

Not to be too harsh, but seeing as this is a big team, and so much of the presentation was 10/10. The gameplay was really lacking.

Where this game lacks on gameplay, it makes up for it in style and charm. The characters where cute and funny looking. The music and the sound desing was top notch as well.

Just wished the actual game lasted a bit more and was a bit more clear on what each thing did.

Overall, i would say its a 4/5. Perfect presentation, underwelming gameplay.

Would love to play a full v2 with the entire concept expanded upon, maybe some predetermined levels and an endless highscore based mode. Dunno.

Coming in clutch, 9 seconds before deadline, damn.

This game was delightful, too bad it was just flappy bird. The art and music is just wonderful, I never tought of using the theme for a strory instead of a mechanic.

I would love to play a version with the original gameplay idea. Perhaps it was a visual novel with some gameplay mixed in? This could totally work.

As for now, as it stand, I give it a 2.5/5, the art and music is pleasing, but the gameplay is underwelming.

But, regardless of this rating, you did so good on your first jam game! Hope you guys continue working on some other stuff with more time to polish it!

PS. Send in v2 once this rating phase is over, I want to get involved with these characters haha!

Excuse me?? OKAY AT LEAST?!

This game is amazing! Holy shit. PArdon my language but my god.

This could be the next superliminal. Its so clever. You had me with my jaw dropped the whole way thru.

The way everything warped, how the blobs were so gentle anbd smooth, and how the mechanic can really be expanded in so many ways.

If Mark played this, he would love it.

You are the first 5/5 game I've rated so far. 

The gameplay did have some issues, but most of them were due to the unity's phisics system, so It's okay.

Overall, I would love to play a full version of this, with even trippier graphics and more clever ways of twisting this blob mechanic.

I get errores trying to execute this. I even tried opening the source on VS and still got error. How can I play this? Can you send me a drive link or something where I can download a playable version?

Interesting idea. I really wanted to pl ay a whole bunch of this, but the game is simply too difficult.

Maybe a less pronounced difficulty spike would be great.

Still, the graphics in this are very stilish and pleasing to look at, and the whole concept is a fun one indeed.

I would add maybe some arrows that point towards enemies, so that you have some visual feed on whether you're about to die or if its safe to collect scrap.

Overall, 4.25/5 for me, great job, I'm looking forward to playing your future jam games, you seem like a very talented Dev.

Thanks! It feels rewarding to hear I did okay despite giving up lol.

In the next version I will use a new method to animate the player, so that the active ragdoll doesnt feel as clunky as it does right now.

Thanks, I never would've tought anyone would say such things. Its jank as all hell, and not realy complete.

I appreciatte your comment. Thanks for testing out my game! I'll make sure to play yours when I get the chance.

Thanks for the idea actually. Controlling the head with the mouse? never thought of it. It actually makes a lot of sense.

The wanky movement was intentional, I had an artist draw up a comic explaining everything, but the deadline caught up before I could implement it. Be sure to try v2 when that comes out!

Thanks for testing out my game! I havent gotten into your game as the ti me of writting this, but I'll make sure I will.

Its a fun idea, but the execution was lacking...

I like puzzle games, and this one is up my ally...its just too hard and unpredictable. I played it for a good 10 minutes and I still couldnt get it just right.

Sometimes it crashed.

They way you used the theme of the jam was a bit of a strech, something I've seen a bunch so far, but I liked the art style, its a fun scribly art styel and Im all in for it.

Overall, its sadly a 1.5/5, its just not engaging in any way,

But dont let that discourage you! In fact, the opposite! Try and do better next time, you seem to be very clever with this type of mechanics. Maybe take your time and experiment with this idea, and who know?, you might just create a new mobile game that will strike you a jackpot!

Well, I'm pleasently surprised someone actually made an online multiplayer!

Its nothing groundbreaking, but its cute and it works surprisingly well.

The way you fit this into the theme is kind of a strech, but sure.

The art is really pleasing to look at, I really liked how the characters, the world and even the enemies look! I would love if this turned into some kind of open world survival game where you fight of hydras every now and then.

I cant give you a 5/5, its not really a lot of game, but I will give you a good 3.5/5 for your efforts!

I am really looking foward to playing more of your jam games if you decide to participate on any other, you seem to be a very talented dev.

First of all, huh? Why are there so many people listed for this game? Did this many of you worked on the game? I've never seen a team so massive. (This was written before playing)

And my point still stand even after playing...

The thing is...the game isnt good. The shooting is jank, the AI is jank, and even the main mechanic is jank and kinda pointless...

The presentation is good, the visual are very pleasing and the music is too, its jsut kinda buggy sometimes. For a game that says it has been playtested, this feels so unpolished.

Im sorry for being so harsh on you guys, but look on the bright side, you had an original idea. It seems you guys are a novice team, and thats a good thing! Work toghether and figure out your strengths and try and do better. Maybe publish a game toghether with a bit more time.

Overall, I say it was a good attempt. I would love to paly test it if you guys decide to fix it on another version. Maybe actually use the mechanic that was laid out. 1.5/5

PS. I just finished reading your game page, and yeah, this is unfinished an dunpolished. But your team was really big, someone could have worked on something and other people on other things. It seems that all three programmers tried to work on the same thing at the same time, or that each worked on their own and never exchanged any feedback.

You can do a lot better, just trust in youselves and continue to try.

If you wish to bring osmeone else on board with this project, should you decide to try and finish it, I can be of help. Of course, thats if you wish to have someone completly new into your team.

PPS. Props to the 3d modelers! they really had me looking at their models for a good 2 minutes, they look so good! They really feel out of place with the beans with roblox guns.

Cool idea, the slimes look cute. Kinda wished they had colour tho, its kinda hard to tell which is which, even after the fusion has happened.

I dont want to make you feel bad, but the music was kinda frustrating. I get it, its hard to make good music in 48 hours, dont worry about it.

Also I guess it goes without sayingt that this needs some more visuals. Firstly you need to add a way to tell which slime you've selected from the list, secondly, you need to make a way to keep track of all combinations. Sometimes I went into battle with a combination, and lost it on porpuse as fast as I could to try and get another combination. Also, a button to leave levels would be huge!

Still, I really liked the idea, the more I played, the more I was surprised at how much you actually put into the game. Even if its more of the same, you made so much in so little time, and to me thats a win.

Keep at it, you seem really talented at this and I hope to see more of you next year.

Where is the game bud? You draw me in with a tittle like that and not show me the game??

Really interesting idea,  hard as hell tho. Not having checkpoints and having to start from the begening is brutal.

But regardless, you managed to create and interesting concept. I just wish you could expand more on it, like have both ying and yang be playable, just interchange between them and have them complete a puzzle.

The movement in yang's side is really fun, going full speed around is just plain fun. Having to jump with C is not, and clearly walljumping is also a big thing here. But hey, I know from experience wall jumping can be hard to achieve, especially since you only got 48 hours to develop.  (If you want an example, play my game "What a Masterpiece", and see for yourself how awful mine is lmao)

I just expect a v2 with sound and a better wall jump. I would play the entire thing, start to finish, no matter how long it is.

Overall, it think you did really good. 3.5/5. Would totally play a full version of this with a nice little story.

PS. The art and effects are cool as heck, they are pleasing to look at, fell powerful on both sides, and are well animated. Just wished the bridges followed with the ground,

PPS. The black and white platforms were a wack, they didnt follow the rules all the time. For example: the white guy cannot go thru the black platforms, but the black guy can and viceversa. Why can the black guy stand on a white platform? Wouldnt he fall thru?.

Its just a small detail, but it kinda bothered me a little bit, still it doesnt take anything from the experience.