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Jam Re-Opened for bug fixes and late entries Sticky

A topic by with the love studios created Mar 02, 2022 Views: 91 Replies: 2
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The submission deadline has officially been moved to March 2 at 11:59pm, so anyone who has bug fixes for an existing submission or a new submission that just missed the deadline is welcome to submit them now.

Hi, am I allowed to add new features to my existing submission? My game is boring prototype, I can spend those hours to make it less prototype by adding looting and leveling mechanics, if not, I'll simply fix "credits bug" I have (I forgot to include some CC0 assets in my credit section, but I mentioned it in game's description page and provided missing links there).


You are free to add anything you can get done before the Jam closes again.

The overarching goal of this Jam is to show off OpenGameArt art, so if adding a few extra features takes your game from 'boring prototype' to 'fun experience' then I'd say that serves the Jam's goals just fine. :)