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How to make a game with paint?

A topic by assor created Mar 16, 2017 Views: 715 Replies: 5
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I thought it required a lot of coding skills or a paid licence for gamemaker to make a game but you say i can make games with paint, how?


"Yukon W.13 days ago

It's up to you! Whatever game engine you are most comfortable with is a fine choice!

I'm personally a fan of GameMaker: Studio. It's a pretty powerful engine for quick and dirty prototyping!"

You can't code directly on paint, but graphic disign must be done on it. :)


You still need to use a game engine to piece the game together, but the idea is you must use paint for graphics. Stencyl & GameMaker are both great engines for beginners, and you can make a game in both of them without code!

Sorry for the confusion! :/


ooooooh ok, i will try but learning how to make a game in 34 hours will be an expirience :D


Haha, it's one of the best ways to learn! Have fun and don't stress yourself out over it! Also don't hesitate to ask for help if you need it! :)

just write " A GAME " in paint and, wow you finished!