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Radio TowerView game page

A brief text adventure with multiple endings and time based mechanics where your choices(and when you make them) matter.
Submitted by Brojman
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We have a ParserComp 2022 participation certificate that we'd like to send to you, for being part of the competition. 

If you'd like to claim it, could you please email the organisers at


Is there a way to make the options not cover part of the text on the right side of the screen? And not have stuff cut off on the left? (I fullscreened; before that, it was unreadably cut off but now it's just map/status stuff cut off I think.)


I think this is due to the way I have resolution set up. I will try to correct this with an update. Very sorry.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Did your latest update break something? (this was written 7/24) I can click on the commands, but "start" gives "unrecognized command" and I don't see an initial room.

Based on others' comments I may be missing something, but I'm stuck at the opening screen. Apologies if I missed something obvious. I'd like to give it a look...the color coding of different types of critical is so sensible and user-friendly and I think that helps people focus on what's important in the game!

I'll delete this if this is a user error.


This was an issue with me exporting it incorrectly after the last update. Im so sorry for that. I just tested it and it should work now.


No problem. I'm glad it's working now for the home stretch, when that final bit of votes will be coming in. I just tried it and it's going well. I've had build errors like this too!


I didn't like the parser very much i.e. (go south instead of s, inspect instead of x, having to "use" sandwich instead of eating it), and the fact that you are limited to the available actions makes it frustrating for someone who has gotten used to the standard if parser. I also find it hard to read the font. Commands like save undo or restart are also not implemented. There are also many typos( goose broose, herbivores herbavors, knick knacks nick nacks). The inventory limit was very annoying(but at least it fits real life). I encountered a few bugs such as "you can leave the to the west" "Error - tried to use an item with an invalid type" The writing was descriptive, but you couldn't interact much with your surroundings. I'm stuck at Jame's workshop where I didn't know what to do( I've inspected everything, tried to use everything, and is pretty sure have explored all that was available and taken all of the items.) I'll greatly appreciate it if someone could give me some hints on what to do next.


Apologies for the limited parser. This is my first attempt at programing anything at all and being mostly self taught, I was limited in my knowledge to do complex things.

Once the jam is over I will try to update the parser to add quality of life fixes such as not having to type "go" to move(only using "north",  "south,  ect.) and adding options for different fonts.

I have released an updated version that does fix some issues with the weapons as well as the typos(broose will be explored in the next game. (Its a bear/goose combo.)) Also knick knacks is correct according to google but maybe that's just the american spelling.

Also for the generator room, I addressed a fix I will do after the jam in another comment. To get past it: you need to get the key card from James' room and use it on the generator. That will cause a control panel to light up allowing you to use the "INTERACT" with it. This will let you progress to the next section of the game.

Sorry for the issues you encountered while playing. I will try to address these in future updates and projects.


Oh, but I thought I tried using the keycard. I'll look forward to the next release.


I'm generally finding the game buggy ("use machete" got me the message "Error - tried to use an item with an invalid type"), and frustratingly lacking in many of the conventions that have developed over the last 50 years of parser games (things like "w" or even "west" instead of "go west", or "x" as a shortcut for "examine", here rendered as "inspect").  Information can be inconsistent--there's a "page" in the usual take-these-things area, but I can't take it without dropping something, so I drop something, and then learn I can't take it anyway, only inspect it.

The writing is riddled with typos: one sentence had both "trys" and "aquired", near an object resembling a "vacumme".

I finally got too frustrated to continue when I was in a room with a generator and a panel I could "interact" with; when I inspect the generator, I'm told that I have powered on the generator, and when I then interact, I'm told "there is no power".  That, plus the limited inventory and slow navigation, just made the whole package a little too hard to interact with.


I have released and updated version that fixes the bug with using the "USE" command on weapon type Items(the machete and other weapons). I have also gone through and fixed all(I hope) of the typos.

I am aware of the issues with the generator in James' Workshop. I tried to do more in one room than the engine was initially designed to do. Being my first attempt at programming, I made some silly mistakes. I have a simple solution but it would require me to add a separate generator room and I don't think the rules allow for adding any new content, so that fix will have to come after the jam.

I appreciate your feedback on my game!

(3 edits) (+3)

I enjoyed the game and played through to the end scenes. Nice sense of mystery in the beginning with weirdness at the end. Overall, I felt like I was progressing through a Lovecraft story in the beginning and the ending reminded me of Richard Corben’s Den.

Some specifics

  • I liked the map
  • I would like to be able to type just “north” instead of having to type “go north”
  • I didn’t like being restricted to being able to have only 4 items in my inventory
  • The descriptions are well written and comprehensive but I think they could be rewritten to tighten them up and make them  more concise.
  • More proofreading is needed since there were numerous spelling errors (“charcture”, “writen”, “trys” instead of “tries”, “pannles” instead of “panels”, “anong”, “ables and equipment”, “soutwest”). James is also not capitalized in several places.
  • I didn’t get a letter ending (A, B, C,...) after going through the disk, just Resume/Restart. Also, when I die it says “You are die”
  • I didn’t care for the font
  • I found the rain/lightning animation behind the scenes distracting. But maybe if you added sound effects?
  • I would have liked a save feature
  • I didn’t really care about the RPG elements, i.e. Not Doing Great, and I avoided all battles where I could
  • I think Available Actions is sort of nice but I thought clicking on them would do more than just display text
  • The initial interaction with sculpture is a bit kludgy but I did like the visual representations of the buttons

Thank you for the feedback!


I liked your game and I am looking very much forward to the final game/next chapter. I wrote a review here, in case you are interested:  Review of Radio Tower by Brojman - ADRIFT Forum


I am enjoying the game so far. However, I think I have encountered a bug which may or may not be game breaking. When I go south from "Lab Entrance" to "Lab 1" I arrive in a room with James and a terminal. (both highlighted).  The terminal and James cannot be inspected. And the location description says that the hallway is east but I can't go east. No other exits are mentioned but by trial and error I found north, southeast and southwest. So I wonder if the wrong location description is used in Lab 1 and if crucial objects are not mentioned because of this bug?



I have fixed the bug so the game should now be able to be finished. Thanks for the detailed bug report!


Great! I am looking forward to play again  :D


Surprisingly fun and engaging even though these games are definitely not my type


Best game to come out in 10 years!!!


Nicely made, haven't gotten far but looks promising