I was left with six games I hadn't reviewed, three days before the end, and I thought I ought to at least try some of the ones left. This looked promising from the description, so I figured I would give it a shot.
Before I got very far at all, I encountered things like "the Zen, the Boone, the Jones, the Davey and the Foley are here"; not a bug, but it did suggest some lack of attention to detail. In the airlock, when I gave the command press yellow button the game told me "You press the green button but nothing happens"; then press button it asks me which of the three I meant, red, yellow, or green (but there are only two described on the panel and no sign of a red button). Much closer to bug status.
So, all right, I get inside, I'm looking at the control panels, eventually I decide to look at the walkthrough (and somehow I can't manage to find that; maybe the walkthrough is under another console, don't ask me how I've failed to see it). Which leads me to Google, which leads me to https://intfiction.org/t/mike-russos-parsercomp-2022-reviews/56690/3, which leads me to endorse everything in that review. (Maybe not the BDSM analogy? But pretty much everything.) In fact, once that review told me what I was missing, I finally did look under the console, and then open the compartment, and behold, a switch. So I said get main switch and it told me I was already holding it. (Dear reader, I was not.)
From there it only got worse. I got the switch from the compartment and tried to replace it but needed a screwdriver (ugh), so I went north and, per the abovelinked review, did the whole fuse box thing. But when I tried to flip the switch, it thought I meant the one I was carrying, so I went south, dropped it, went back north, and did the switch-flipping thing. (Well, switch-turning thing. "Flip" is what I do with a switch, but maybe the author doesn't.) Then I went back south and tried to get the main switch again...and once again the game told me I was already holding it. Once again, I was not, and now I didn't have the handy "take switch from compartment" command to take it.
So on the one hand, like Mike Russo, I found this game very much not to my tastes. On the other, I encountered very early at least one game-breaking bug, and while several people have said that it gets more interesting as it goes on, I'm afraid I won't ever find out.
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