nice job... grafiknya mantab.. apresiasi buat visual desainernya... jalan cerita menarik... sayangnya controller cuma pake mouse jadi susah waktu mau gerak dan attack lawan di waktu yang bersamaan.. terlepas dari control game.. mantab semua..
This is freaking awesome guys, the game visual looks pretty good, the low poly of character and environment looks to match and doesn't feel clunky.
The music is good too and this has a good player onboarding.
but I am playing on my laptop on WebGL, so I found that wasd nor arrow key work for controlling the character.
Usually, when you make a virtual joystick and button, you would like to build your game into mobile, but since you build it into WebGL I hope you have keyword/mouse control too.
And I guess that should be pretty easy to implement the movement in the arrow key first, since the implementation of the game gonna be on PC tho, and you can add a virtual button or joystick for mobile.
keren banget
gamenya seru dimainkan di mobile
Gamenya gokil
Gamenya menarik untuk dimainkan, tetapi controller gamenya pada versi desktop susah dimainkan
Gabisa pake wasd/arrow di keyboard :' tapi gamenya lucu abis, charnya, gameplaynya, semuanya :')
Desain karakternya menarik, mirip mirip ke nyata. Hanya saja memang control game yang sedikit susah saat pakai keyboard
wew karakternya ucul, desainnya bagus. good job gaess
Keren gamenya seru
gokil game nya mantap banget
mantap buat grafik dan desainnya, mau main jadi semangatt
gokil kalau di playstore ini ibarat game pilihan editor !
desain low poly dari gamenya keren, mungkin karna mainnya di web bisa pake kontrol w a s d atau arrow key ketimbang joystick button
Gokil si game nya harapannya bisa dikembangkan lagi
wahhh keren banget sih ini dari segi grafik dan desain karakter mantaabbb
nice job... grafiknya mantab.. apresiasi buat visual desainernya... jalan cerita menarik... sayangnya controller cuma pake mouse jadi susah waktu mau gerak dan attack lawan di waktu yang bersamaan.. terlepas dari control game.. mantab semua..
Game nya menarik dari segi character,desain,suara,tantangannya tetapi kontrol gamenya tidak bisa menggunakan keyboard hanya mouse jadi agak sulit
agak susah dimainkan di desktop atau komputer
This is freaking awesome guys, the game visual looks pretty good, the low poly of character and environment looks to match and doesn't feel clunky.
The music is good too and this has a good player onboarding.
but I am playing on my laptop on WebGL, so I found that wasd nor arrow key work for controlling the character.
Usually, when you make a virtual joystick and button, you would like to build your game into mobile, but since you build it into WebGL I hope you have keyword/mouse control too.
And I guess that should be pretty easy to implement the movement in the arrow key first, since the implementation of the game gonna be on PC tho, and you can add a virtual button or joystick for mobile.
Great job guys :)